Pokémon Sword and Shield: Complete list of every Pokémon available

The latest Pokémon Sword and Shield DLC, Isle of Armor, is live, and with it, 100 new Pokémon have been added to the Pokédex. You don't have to have the DLC to be able to transfer these Pokémon from Pokémon Home or trade for them either. As the first Pokémon game to be introduced without access to the complete Pokédex, what Pokémon can you take to Galar? Read ahead to find out!
More: Everything we know about Pokémon Shield and Sword
Isle of Armor Pokédex
The Isle of Armor DLC has added 100 new Pokémon to the Galarian Pokédex. Four are brand new to the game:
- Kubfu - a new Legendary Pokémon who can evolve into two formes.
- Urshifu - the evolution of Kubfu that has one of two permanent forms, Single Strike or Rapid Strike.
- Zarude - a new Mythical Pokémon.
- Galarian Slowbro - the Galarian variant of Slowbro
There are also six new Gigantamax forms:
- Venusaur
- Blastoise
- Rillaboom
- Cinderace
- Inteleon
- Urshifu
The rest of the Pokémon that have been added to the Pokédex include:
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Jigglypuff
- Wigglytuff
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Kanto Slowbro
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Exeggcute
- Exeggutor
- Cubone
- Marowak
- Lickitung
- Chansey
- Tangela
- Kangaskhan
- Horsea
- Seadra
- Staryu
- Starmie
- Scyther
- Pinsir
- Tauros
- Porygon
- Igglybuff
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Politoad
- Dunsparse
- Scizor
- Heracross
- Skarmory
- Kingdra
- Porygon2
- Miltank
- Blissey
- Whismur
- Loudred
- Exploud
- Azurill
- Carvanha
- Sharpedo
- Shinx
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Buneary
- Lopunny
- Happiny
- Magnezone
- Lickilicky
- Tangrowth
- Porygon-Z
- Lillipup
- Herdier
- Stoutland
- Venipede
- Whirlipede
- Scolipede
- Petilil
- Lilligant
- Sandile
- Krokorok
- Krookodile
- Zorua
- Zoroark
- Emolga
- Foongus
- Amoongus
- Mienfoo
- Mienshao
- Druddigon
- Bouffalant
- Larvestra
- Volcarona
- Fletching
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
- Skrelp
- Dragalge
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Dedenne
- Klefki
- Rockruff
- Lycanroc
- Fomantis
- Lurantis
- Comfey
- Sandygast
- Palossand
- Magearna
Galar Pokédex
Pokémon Sword and Shield, set in the Galar region, is the first of the core Pokémon games to feature an incomplete Pokédex at release. Upon release, only 400 of the almost 900 different Pokémon species could be caught, traded, or transfered into Pokémon Sword and Shield. Here's the 400 Pokémon originally available:
- 001 Grookey
- 002 Thwackey
- 003 Rillaboom
- 004 Scorbunny
- 005 Raboot
- 006 Cinderace
- 007 Sobble
- 008 Drizzile
- 009 Inteleon
- 010 Blipbug
- 011 Dottler
- 012 Orbeetle
- 013 Caterpie
- 014 Metapod
- 015 Butterfree
- 016 Grubbin
- 017 Charjabug
- 018 Vikavolt
- 019 Hoothoot
- 020 Noctowl
- 021 Rookidee
- 022 Corvisquire
- 023 Corviknight
- 024 Skwovet
- 025 Greedent
- 026 Pidove
- 027 Tranquill
- 028 Unfezant
- 029 Nickit
- 030 Thievul
- 031 Zigzagoon
- 032 Linoone
- 033 Obstagoon
- 034 Wooloo
- 035 Dubwool
- 036 Lotad
- 037 Lombre
- 038 Ludicolo
- 039 Seedot
- 040 Nuzleaf
- 041 Shiftry
- 042 Chewtle
- 043 Drednaw
- 044 Purrloin
- 045 Liepard
- 046 Yamper
- 047 Boltund
- 048 Bunnelby
- 049 Diggersby
- 050 Minccino
- 051 Cinccino
- 052 Bounsweet
- 053 Steenee
- 054 Tsareena
- 055 Oddish
- 056 Gloom
- 057 Vileplume
- 058 Bellossom
- 059 Budew
- 060 Roselia
- 061 Roserade
- 062 Wingull
- 063 Pelipper
- 064 Joltik
- 065 Galvantula
- 066 Electrike
- 067 Manectric
- 068 Vulpix
- 069 Ninetales
- 070 Growlithe
- 071 Arcanine
- 072 Vanillite
- 073 Vanillish
- 074 Vanilluxe
- 075 Swinub
- 076 Piloswine
- 077 Mamoswine
- 078 Delibird
- 079 Snorunt
- 080 Glalie
- 081 Froslass
- 082 Baltoy
- 083 Claydol
- 084 Mudbray
- 085 Mudsdale
- 086 Dwebble
- 087 Crustle
- 088 Golett
- 089 Golurk
- 090 Munna
- 091 Musharna
- 092 Natu
- 093 Xatu
- 094 Stufful
- 095 Bewear
- 096 Snover
- 097 Abomasnow
- 098 Krabby
- 099 Kingler
- 100 Wooper
- 101 Quagsire
- 102 Corphish
- 103 Crawdaunt
- 104 Nincada
- 105 Ninjask
- 106 Shedinja
- 107 Tyrogue
- 108 Hitmonlee
- 109 Hitmonchan
- 110 Hitmontop
- 111 Pancham
- 112 Pangoro
- 113 Klink
- 114 Klang
- 115 Klinklang
- 116 Combee
- 117 Vespiquen
- 118 Bronzor
- 119 Bronzong
- 120 Ralts
- 121 Kirlia
- 122 Gardevoir
- 123 Gallade
- 124 Drifloon
- 125 Drifblim
- 126 Gossifleur
- 127 Eldegoss
- 128 Cherubi
- 129 Cherrim
- 130 Stunky
- 131 Skuntank
- 132 Tympole
- 133 Palpitoad
- 134 Seismitoad
- 135 Duskull
- 136 Dusclops
- 137 Dusknoir
- 138 Machop
- 139 Machoke
- 140 Machamp
- 141 Gastly
- 142 Haunter
- 143 Gengar
- 144 Magikarp
- 145 Gyarados
- 146 Goldeen
- 147 Seaking
- 148 Remoraid
- 149 Octillery
- 150 Shellder
- 151 Cloyster
- 152 Feebas
- 153 Milotic
- 154 Basculin
- 155 Wishiwashi
- 156 Pyukumuku
- 157 Trubbish
- 158 Garbodor
- 159 Sizzlipede
- 160 Centiskorch
- 161 Rolycoly
- 162 Carkol
- 163 Coalossal
- 164 Diglett
- 165 Dugtrio
- 166 Drilbur
- 167 Excadrill
- 168 Roggenrola
- 169 Boldore
- 170 Gigalith
- 171 Timburr
- 172 Gurdurr
- 173 Conkeldurr
- 174 Woobat
- 175 Swoobat
- 176 Noibat
- 177 Noivern
- 178 Onix
- 179 Steelix
- 180 Arrokuda
- 181 Barraskewda
- 182 Meowth
- 183 Perrserker
- 184 Persian
- 185 Milcery
- 186 Alcremie
- 187 Cutiefly
- 188 Ribombee
- 189 Ferroseed
- 190 Ferrothorn
- 191 Pumpkaboo
- 192 Gourgeist
- 193 Pichu
- 194 Pikachu
- 195 Raichu
- 196 Eevee
- 197 Vaporeon
- 198 Jolteon
- 199 Flareon
- 200 Espeon
- 201 Umbreon
- 202 Leafeon
- 203 Glaceon
- 204 Sylveon
- 205 Applin
- 206 Flapple
- 207 Appletun
- 208 Espurr
- 209 Meowstic
- 210 Swirlix
- 211 Slurpuff
- 212 Spritzee
- 213 Aromatisse
- 214 Dewpider
- 215 Araquanid
- 216 Wynaut
- 217 Wobbuffet
- 218 Farfetch'd
- 219 Sirfetch'd
- 220 Chinchou
- 221 Lanturn
- 222 Croagunk
- 223 Toxicroak
- 224 Scraggy
- 225 Scrafty
- 226 Stunfisk
- 227 Shuckle
- 228 Barboach
- 229 Whiscash
- 230 Shellos
- 231 Gastrodon
- 232 Wimpod
- 233 Golisopod
- 234 Binacle
- 235 Barbaracle
- 236 Corsola
- 237 Cursola
- 238 Impidimp
- 239 Morgrem
- 240 Grimmsnarl
- 241 Hatenna
- 242 Hattrem
- 243 Hatterene
- 244 Salandit
- 245 Salazzle
- 246 Pawniard
- 247 Bisharp
- 248 Throh
- 249 Sawk
- 250 Koffing
- 251 Weezing
- 252 Bonsly
- 253 Sudowoodo
- 254 Cleffa
- 255 Clefairy
- 256 Clefable
- 257 Togepi
- 258 Togetic
- 259 Togekiss
- 260 Munchlax
- 261 Snorlax
- 262 Cottonee
- 263 Whimsicott
- 264 Rhyhorn
- 265 Rhydon
- 266 Rhyperior
- 267 Gothita
- 268 Gothorita
- 269 Gothitelle
- 270 Solosis
- 271 Duosion
- 272 Reuniclus
- 273 Karrablast
- 274 Escavalier
- 275 Shelmet
- 276 Accelgor
- 277 Elgyem
- 278 Beheeyem
- 279 Cubchoo
- 280 Beartic
- 281 Rufflet
- 282 Braviary
- 283 Vullaby
- 284 Mandibuzz
- 285 Skorupi
- 286 Drapion
- 287 Litwick
- 288 Lampent
- 289 Chandelure
- 290 Inkay
- 291 Malamar
- 292 Sneasel
- 293 Weavile
- 294 Sableye
- 295 Mawile
- 296 Maractus
- 297 Sigilyph
- 298 Riolu
- 299 Lucario
- 300 Torkoal
- 301 Mimikyu
- 302 Cufant
- 303 Copperajah
- 304 Qwilfish
- 305 Frillish
- 306 Jellicent
- 307 Mareanie
- 308 Toxapex
- 309 Cramorant
- 310 Toxel
- 311 Toxtricity
- 312 Silicobra
- 313 Sandaconda
- 314 Hippopotas
- 315 Hippowdon
- 316 Durant
- 317 Heatmor
- 318 Helioptile
- 319 Heliolisk
- 320 Hawlucha
- 321 Trapinch
- 322 Vibrava
- 323 Flygon
- 324 Axew
- 325 Fraxure
- 326 Haxorus
- 327 Yamask
- 328 Runerigus
- 329 Cofagrigus
- 330 Honedge
- 331 Doublade
- 332 Aegislash
- 333 Ponyta
- 334 Rapidash
- 335 Sinistea
- 336 Polteageist
- 337 Indeedee
- 338 Phantump
- 339 Trevenant
- 340 Morelull
- 341 Shiinotic
- 342 Oranguru
- 343 Passimian
- 344 Morpeko
- 345 Falinks
- 346 Drampa
- 347 Turtonator
- 348 Togedemaru
- 349 Snom
- 350 Frosmoth
- 351 Clobbopus
- 352 Grapploct
- 353 Pincurchin
- 354 Mantyke
- 355 Mantine
- 356 Wailmer
- 357 Wailord
- 358 Bergmite
- 359 Avalugg
- 360 Dhelmise
- 361 Lapras
- 362 Lunatone
- 363 Solrock
- 364 Mime Jr.
- 365 Mr. Mime
- 366 Mr. Rime
- 367 Darumaka
- 368 Darmanitan
- 369 Stonjourner
- 370 Eiscue
- 371 Duraludon
- 372 Rotom
- 373 Ditto
- 374 Dracozolt
- 375 Arctozolt
- 376 Dracovish
- 377 Arctovish
- 378 Charmander
- 379 Charmeleon
- 380 Charizard
- 381 Type: Null
- 382 Silvally
- 383 Larvitar
- 384 Pupitar
- 385 Tyranitar
- 386 Deino
- 387 Zweilous
- 388 Hydreigon
- 389 Goomy
- 390 Sliggoo
- 391 Goodra
- 392 Jangmo-o
- 393 Hakamo-o
- 394 Kommo-o
- 395 Dreepy
- 396 Drakloak
- 397 Dragapult
- 398 Zacian
- 399 Zamazenta
- 400 Eternatus
Do you have any questions about the Galar Pokédex or the expansion Isle of Armor? Drop us a comment below, and be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex, as well as our many Pokémon Sword and Shield guides so you can be the very best like no one ever was!
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James is a lover of all things new and shiny. From 3D printing to Nintendo he stays current with all the technology that will lead us into the future.