Jaclyn Kilani

Jaclyn Kilani


Jaclyn Kilani is a content writer at iMore. She's a longtime Apple addict with a flair for creating (written works, design, photos; you name it!) on her devices. Jaclyn has also worked in the marketing sector for over 16 years, dabbling in a bit of everything from writing to graphic design and digital marketing. In her heart of hearts, however, she is a born writer and an avid reader who adores everything about the written word. Someday she may even churn out a book or two. Throughout her career, Jaclyn has also developed something of an addiction to all things Apple. Her professional and personal life is enhanced by an ever-growing collection of iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, Apple Watches, and even AirTags. Luckily, this expensive habit is of great use to her work at iMore, where she writes with authority on Apple products and the accessories that go with them. Apart from work life, Jaclyn enjoys traveling the world with her husband and children. They enjoy traveling, exploring the local community, and spending time in nature observing wildlife. Jaclyn’s children would also like to be Apple addicts, but they can’t afford it, so they collect rocks and wild animals instead. 

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