Clash Royale: The ultimate card guide!

Updated May 2017: We've added some new cards to the list, like the Bowler, Ice Golem, Elctro Wizard, and more!
You're able to collect a total of 48 cards as you work your way through the different levels of Clash Royale Arenas. New cards become available to be found in Chests as you move your way up the Arena ladder. That means that you shouldn't have to deal with the toughest and rarest cards in the game while you're still grinding your way through the early arenas.
Below you'll find a brief description of every card, including strengths and weaknesses to help you strategically build your decks, broken down by which Arena they become available.
Training Camp
The very first Arena you ever battle in. As the name implies this one is literally just used to show you the basics of how to play Clash Royale. You'll quickly move on from here once you've been introduced to the base group of troops and spells.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Legendary
Elixir Cost: 3
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Strengths: The bandit's dash attack can easily cover distance making her very effective against units that are spread out. The bandit can dash through boulders without getting knocked back.
Weakness: Units with long range that can attack the bandit before she can dash.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Sends a wave of arrows over a wide Area of Effect (AoE) radius. Doles out light damage to a large swath of ground troops. Great as support against Skeletons or Goblins counterattacks.
Weaknesses: Does reduced damage to Crown Towers and buildings.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Ranged attack troop with a low hitpoint. Bombs are effective on buildings as well as groups of ground troops. Best to use as a part of a wave of attacks, so they can hang back a bit and throw bombs into larger groups of attacking ground troops. Also good as a defensive troop to take out large groups of advancing ground troops.
Weaknesses: Very susceptible to air attacks Low hitpoint means you need to be very strategic with using them. They'll get destroyed real quick if left on their own.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Pair of ranged, single target ranged attack troops. Best used as support troops for Giants, or as counters to low hitpoint troops like Minions, goblins and skeletons. Decent defending against air troops.
Weaknesses: Stick close together, making them susceptible to attack with area damage.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Single target melee troop. Medium hitpoint means he's able to take damage while doling it out. Low elixir cost is a definite plus. Good for use as a meat shield when rushing with smaller troops.
Weaknesses: Weak against swarming attacks, Skeleton Army especially. Cannot attack air troops. Easily distracted.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Extremely useful against troops with low health due to his high attack score.
Weaknesses: Weak against units with high health and push back abilities.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Free to send it anywhere on the Arena. Ideal for finishing off weakened Crown Towers, or for taking out a large group of low hitpoint troops. Effective if your opponent builds a defensive or offensive building near a tower, as the AoE will affect both buildings, as well as any nearby troops. Good for use offensively or defensively.
Weaknesses: Smaller AoE than the Arrows or Lightning spells. You've got to make sure to lead moving troops a bit, or else you'll waste the spell.
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Fast single targeting melee troop with moderate hit points. Is super effective if left to attack an unguarded Crown Tower. Good when used in tandem with a high hitpoint troop such as a Giant. Also good as a defensive troop to take down/slow down an advancing attack.
Weaknesses: Easily distracted, will wander off to attack troops when there's a clear lane to the Crown Tower. Susceptible to being swarmed by low hitpoint troops.
Electro Wizard
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Legendary
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Good against small swarms as he attacks two enemies at once and does spawn damage.
Weaknesses: Very vulnerable to fireball.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Single targeted range attack. Doles out high damage from afar. Great for use as a support troop for high hitpoint troops like the Giant. It can target both Air and Ground troops. Does well against Crown Towers and has a longer range than Cannons.
Weaknesses: Low hitpoints means she's susceptible to being swarmed by skeletons or goblins. Higher elixir cost than archers.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Single target melee troop with high hitpoints that only targets buildings. Great to use as a meat shield, as the defending troops will typically target the Giant first, leaving them open to attacks from supporting troops. Makes short work of Crown Towers and buildings. Put a Prince behind the Giant to push him down the lane faster.
Weaknesses: Slow as molasses. Cannot defend itself from attackers. Can be taken down really easily with a Skeleton Army or other swarming ground troops. Distracted by other buildings built in front of the Crown Towers.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Single target melee troop. Deals out 2X damage when able to get up to full speed. Able to push other troops during a rush. Devastating if left alone against a Crown Tower.
Weaknesses: Not so good against multiple ground troops, or air troops. Loses speed attack bonus as soon as he hits a troop or building. Easily distracted.
Baby Dragon
Type: Air Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Air troop with ranged attack that targets multiple troops with area damage. Moderate hitpoint means the Baby Dragon can take a decent amount of damage and/or distract your opponent's ranged ground attacks and other air troops effectively. Very effective support troop.
Weaknesses: Minion swarms can make short work of Baby Dragons. Easily distracted.
Skeleton Army
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Drops 20 low hitpoint melee troops that instantly swarm towards the nearest targets. Efficiently take down an approaching Giant or other single targeting ground troop. Fairly fast. Fantastic cost during 2x Elixir. Extremely effective if you're able to get them around a Crown Tower or other buildings. Good for defending against advancing single targeting ground troops. Best used when you know your opponent doesn't have an Arrows spell or Fireball to quickly counter.
Weaknesses: Can be taken out easily with Arrows, Fireball or other attacks that cause area damage. Easily countered by Valkyrie, Bomber or air troops (excluding the Balloon). Individually, skeleton troops are weak and easily disposed of.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Short range, moderate hitpoint ground troop, that also summons three skeletons every three seconds. Try placing the Witch farther back when sending in a Giant or other troops to allow her to spawn Skeletons and effectively use her ranged attack. Best used in tandem with other troops to act as meat shields so she can continue to churn out Skeletons. Her ranged attack makes her a good counter attack against low hitpoint swarms. Ranged attack can target air troops as well.
Weaknesses: Can be taken out easily when troops are dropped right on her, or by a Rocket or Lightning spell.
Goblin Stadium
The first Arena you move on to after the Training Camp. This one is n00b central, and unless you're absolutely awful, you should quickly make your way through this arena as you work towards 400 trophies. As per the name, this is the Arena which allows you to unlock Spear Goblins, Goblins, Goblin Hut, and Goblin Barrel, as well as Valkyrie and Lightning. You'll unlock them in Chests, whether they be Free Chests, Crown Chests, or Chests received in victory.
Spear Goblins
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 2
Strengths: Three single targeting range troops. Fast moving, can rush in to provide ranged support when attacking.
Weaknesses: Low hitpoint and grouping means they're vulnerable to area damage
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 2
Strengths: Three unarmored melee troops. Fast moving. Low cost makes them good to drop in to stop a charging Prince, as support in a busy low hitpoint troop battle, or to pull hard-hitting enemies out of their lane. Use with a meat shield like a Giant or Prince to quickly swarm enemies and Crown Towers.
Weaknesses: Wiped out all too easily by any ranged attack with AoE.
Goblin Hut
Type: Offensive Building
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Spawns up to 12 Spear Goblins at a rate of one every 4.9 seconds. You'll typically want to build beside or behind your Crown Towers, so that enemies don't attack them right away. Best strategy is to build a Goblin Hut along with a Giant or other meat shield unit to draw your opponent's attention as the Spear Goblins generate. Spear Goblins are way more effective if you're able to spawn a group of them. Can also build Goblin Huts as a defensive move to draw attention away from Crown Towers or directly in front of them as a shield
Weaknesses: Spawned troops have low hitpoint, low attack. If left undefended, they'll be destroyed quick. Goblin Hut can be taken out easily with a Goblin Barrel, Fireball or Rocket, and the typical placement beside or around Crown Towers means a well-placed spell can destroy the Goblin Hut and deal damage to the Crown Tower at the same time.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Moderate hitpoint melee troop that swings her axe 360-degree. Fantastic as a counter to swarming low hitpoint troops (Skeleton Army especially, Goblins). Powerful troop to have in your battle deck so you don't get overwhelmed. Pair with a Mini P.E.K.K.A. for a great one-two punch against both swarms and tough troops.
Weaknesses: Cannot defend against air attacks. Vulnerable against tough troops like Mini P.E.K.K.A. and Prince.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 6
Strengths: Strikes the three troops or buildings with the highest hitpoint in the AoE with a bolt of lightning from the sky. Great for dealing damage to Crown Towers and dealing with Giants. Effective against Barbarians, Wizards and Witches, especially if they're close to a Crown Tower.
Weaknesses: Make sure to time it right, so that three troops take damage. Elixir cost is high if you only end up striking one or two troops.
Goblin Barrel
Type: Spell
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Launches three melee Goblins anywhere on the arena. Timed right, they can totally frustrate an opponent who blew through their Elixir going on an offensive rush. They're able to deal a lot of damage when throwing them right at a Crown Tower or a well-hidden Goblin Hut or Barbarian Hut. Good for flushing out an opponent's spell card, allowing you to rush with Skeleton Army knowing they can't immediately counter.
Weaknesses: The Goblins themselves are easy to take out. The attack is telegraphed, so the opponent has time to prepare a counter if possible. A well-timed spell (Fireball and Arrows especially) can effectively nullify Barrel Goblins before they're able to deal any damage to Crown Towers.
Bone Pit
Moving on up, are we? This Arena is unlocked at 400 trophies, but you'll have to continue to improve because you'll be demoted back to Goblin Stadium if your trophy count falls below 350. Make it to this Arena and you're able to unlock Skeletons, Tombstone, Giant Skeleton, Bomb Tower, and Balloon (notice a pattern at all?), as well as Minions.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 1
Strengths: Spawns four low hitpoint melee troops. Best used as distractions or support when enemy troops are focused on high hitpoint targets. The low Elixir cost also makes them good for quick card-cycling. Ideal for pulling tough opponents out of the lane.
Weaknesses: Essentially worthless on their own. Only worth using as support. Easily handled by most troops, but especially Valkyrie and troops with ranged attacks.
Type: Air Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Three flying troops that deal damage to other air troops as well as ground troops. Effective counter against Baby Dragons and especially Balloons. Great for providing aerial support to high hitpoint troops like Giants. Can be quite effective against Crown Towers if they're able to reach them.
Weaknesses: Low hitpoint means that they are easy to take out if on their own.
Type: Offensive Building
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Spawns Skeleton troops at a rate of one every three seconds, up to a maximum of 17 Skeletons. Once destroyed, the Tombstone spawns four Skeletons. Can be good for distracting tougher enemy troops with slow hitspeed, such as the P.E.K.K.A, Mini P.E.K.K.A and the Giant Skeleton. Good for distracting Giants and Golems away from Crown Towers. Place in the path of a charging Prince to nullify his special ability and then quickly deal damage from the four Skeletons.
Weaknesses: Low hitpoint building that spawns low hitpoint troops means you'll need to be very strategic with your placement.
Bomb Tower
Type: Defensive Building
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Throws bombs that cause area damage within a decent striking radius. Place right near the lane bridge to defend against low hitpoint troops, and draw Giants and other troops that target buildings off the lane. Especially effective against Skeleton Armies.
Weaknesses: Cannot attack air units, so can be undone quickly by a Baby Dragon or Minions.
Giant Skeleton
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 6
Strengths: Slow moving, single target melee troop ideal for attacking buildings, with the ability to attack ground troops. High hitpoint so good for use as a meat shield. Also drops a bomb once destroyed, so you'll want to try and get it as close to the Crown Towers as possible. Also a good counter if it gets swarmed by a Skeleton Army.
Weaknesses: Can be effectively countered by a Skeleton Army or Inferno Tower. Hog Riders are also able to outrun the bomb blast. Cannot attack air troops.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Legendary
Elixir Cost: 6
Strengths: Very effective against units with lots of hit points such as P.E.K.K.A or Giant.
Weaknesses: Both Zap and Freeze cards will reset Sparky's attack, slowing its attack speed.
Type: Air Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Deals devastating damage to buildings. Great for finishing off Crown Towers. Drops its first bomb instantly once reaching a building. Also drops a bomb that deals area damage once destroyed.
Weaknesses: Cannot defend itself against other air troops. Vulnerable to ground troops with ranged attacks. Countered well by an Inferno Tower, Minions, or a Baby Dragon.
Barbarian Bowl
Once you reach 800 trophies, you unlock the Barbarian Bowl. At this point, you're going to start facing stiffer competition and much more distinct strategies, as everyone's card collection grows, so don't let your trophy count fall below 750 or it's back to the Bone Pit for you. To advance past this Arena takes a combination of skill and luck — or a high credit limit. Beyond Barbarians and Barbarian Hut, this Arena unlocks [Cannon](#cannon], Rocket, Rage, and the X-Bow.
Type: Defensive Building
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Single target short range defensive building. Best placed around Crown Towers for defensive support. Pairs well with the X-Bow or Inferno Tower to shut down high-hitpoint ground troops.
Weaknesses: Out-ranged by Spear Goblins, Archers and Musketeers. Cannot attack air troops.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Four single-target melee troops with moderate hitpoint and damage capacity. Great when used with ranged-attack troops. Can quickly take care of advancing troops when dropped directly on top of them.
Weaknesses: Can be countered with a well-timed Fireball. Witches and Wizards are also effective against them, as are Bombers and Bomb Towers. Vulnerable to air troops.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 6
Strengths: Launches a devastating blow anywhere on the arena with high area damage. Ideal for targeting Crown Towers or other buildings. Can also be used for dealing major damage to Giants or Giant Skeletons.
Weaknesses: Cast time makes it hard to target fast moving troops.
Barbarian Hut
Type: Offensive Building
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 7
Strengths: Continually spawns Barbarians two at a time every 14 seconds to a maximum of 8 Barbarians. Best strategy is to place it behind or beside a Crown Tower for protection from air troops, and to ensure maximum effectiveness.
Weaknesses: Countered well with air troops (Minions or Baby Dragon) and ground troops that deal area damage. Long spawn time really limits placement options, as leaving them unprotected could cause a net-loss in Elixir given their high cost.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Troops within it's AoE radius are given a speed and attack bonus. Effective when used with Golems, P.E.K.K.A. and Giants. Can also boost buildings, such as Barbarian Hut and Goblin Hut for production and X-Bows for rate of fire. Can be used both offensively and defensively to boost ground troops.
Weaknesses: Must be paired with other troops or buildings to have any effect whatsoever. Timing is everything.
Type: Offensive/Defensive Building
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 6
Strengths: Long ranged, single target building that can be used offensively or defensively. Can make quick work of groups of low hitpoint troops such as Goblins and Skeletons. Longer range than Crown Towers, meaning you can get fast, consistent damage on the Crown Tower from your own end of the arena. Cast a Rage spell to decrease the deploy time and increase it's already fast hit speed, but at the cost of the X-Bow's lifespan.
Weaknesses: Takes five seconds to deploy, giving the opponent time to counter with a high hitpoint meat shield, or launch a Rocket or Fireball.
P.E.K.K.A.'s Playhouse
Now you're really playing with the big boys. You'll need more than 1,100 trophies to move on to P.E.K.K.A.'s Playhouse, and you'll be demoted back to Barbarian Bowl if your trophy count falls below 1050. At this level, you'll be able to unlock the mighty P.E.K.K.A., as well as Tesla, Minion Horde, Inferno Tower, Hog Rider, and Freeze.
Type: Defensive Building
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Single target medium range defensive building. Effective against hordes of low hitpoint troops, such as Skeletons. Can do well against air troops such as the Baby Dragon. Retreats underground when not attacking and cannot be targeted by cards when hiding, including damage dealing Spells. Place in between the Crown Towers to draw building-targeting troops like Giants and Hog Riders.
Weaknesses: Takes a while to re-target, so can get overwhelmed against a swarm of troops.
Minion Horde
Type: Air Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Fast-moving group of six Minions. Use with a Giant or Giant Skeleton to provide good support from the air. Can be devastating if left alone at a Crown Tower. If you like to play with Minions, you're able to spawn twice as many Minions and save one Elixir. Exellent for defending against Balloons.
Weaknesses: Low hitpoint means they call be taken out with Arrows, or a well-timed Fireball.
Inferno Tower
Type: Defensive Building
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Single target defensive building that can deal out some major damage. Extremely effective against slow-moving high hitpoint troops like Giants, Balloons, Golems and Giant Skeletons. Damage intensifies over time, so it's worth protecting your Inferno Tower with a Bomb Tower or keeping a Spell on hand to deal with any swarms.
Weaknesses: Like other single targeting cards, is vulnerable to being rushed by multiple low hitpoint troops such as Goblins or Skeletons.
Hog Rider
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Fast-moving, powerful troop that targets buildings. Can be used as faster meat shields, given their high hitpoint. Super effective when paired with the freeze spell, as you can freeze the Crown Tower and any surrounding troops which gives the Hog Rider plenty of time to deal out tons of damage. Also worth pairing with a Rage spell.
Weaknesses: Can only attack buildings, so cannot defend itself against other troops.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: When cast, prevents all enemy troops and buildings inside its radius from moving or attacking, but won't affect troops that are dropped or moved into the frozen area after it is cast. Can be especially effective when attacking a Crown Tower with Hog Rider or Balloon. Can be effective to defend against heavy-hitting troops if you're trying to hold off a rush in the dying seconds.
Weaknesses: Small radius. Mistimed casts can swing the momentum against you, fast.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 7
Strengths: Single target melee troop with high hitpoints. Does major damage to one unit at a time, including buildings. When used with proper support, can be absolutely devastating. Pair with a troop that deal area damage, such as a Wizard or Bomber, to defend against a horde of troops taking it down. Rage spells make it faster and more deadly. Also effective as a defensive unit to take down Giants and Giant Skeletons. Can easily destroy Crown Towers if left alone.
Weaknesses: As mentioned, can be taken down with a Skeleton Army or other horde of troops, given it's single-targeting. Also vulnerable to Inferno Towers
Spell Valley
This is the Arena where the magic happens (Ba-dum tish). You'll need to amass 1,400 trophies to reach this Arena, and at this point you're hanging with the big boys. Don't slip below 1,350 trophies or you'll be demoted. The first Legendary card — the Ice Wizard — becomes available to you at this level along with the regular Wizard. You're also able to unlock three handy spells: Zap, Mirror, Poison.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 2
Strengths: Deals out area damage while also stunning enemy troops and buildings. Super effective against small groups of enemies due to that area damage, as well as against a Prince or Dark Prince, as the stun effect will cancel their charge and give you a minute to deploy troops to counter.
Weaknesses: Stun effect is not as effective or long-lasting as the Freeze spell.
Dart Goblin
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Best used in a group due to its low hit points, try pairing the Dart Goblin with a large swarm of skeletons or other distraction cards.
Weaknesses: Extremely low hit points makes it impossible to be effective on its own.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Shoots a ranged attack that deals high area damage. One of the best ground troops out there, they are effective against swarming enemies, such as the Skeleton Army, Goblins and Barbarians. Also super effective against Balloons and other air targets.
Weaknesses: Low hitpoint means that you'll have to be smart about using him. A Mini P.E.K.K.A or Knight in close will make short work of a Wizard. Also vulnerable to damage causing spells, such as a Fireball.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: ???
Strengths: This card lets you deploy your last played card again for the same value (hence ??? for the Elixir cost). Can help you absolutely dominate a situation, whether defending or on the attack, if used intelligently. For example, maybe you send a Goblin Barrel to two Crown Towers at once to leave them scrambling to defend. Sure to generate a reaction.
Weaknesses: Cannot be played as first card. Is as weak as the card you use it to copy.
Type: Spell
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Deals out constant damage within a circular AoE. Troops caught inside the Poison's radius will move and attack slower. Works against troops and buildings, so if you're playing an opponent that relies on Goblin Huts or Barbarian Huts, you can cast Poison around the Hut and not only will the production be slowed, but the emerging troops will immediately take damage. Can also be used defensively to protect your Crown Towers by slowing down advancing troops or outright destroying low hitpoint troops like Skeletons or Goblins.
Weaknesses: Only lasts for 10 seconds and only covers a fairly small radius.
Ice Wizard
Type: Ground Troop
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: Similar to the Wizard, the Ice Wizard deals area damage with mid range attacks that also slow targets' movement and attack speed. Can hold his own against swarms, as well as against higher health enemies. Pair him on offence to protect a slow moving troop like a Giant or P.E.K.K.A. from being overtaken by a swarm. Or use him defensively to slow down fast troops like the Prince and Hog Rider.
Weaknesses: Doesn't deal out much damage, so not a card that you'll want to send out on it's own.
Builder's Workshop
This is the level where you're definitely going to get frustrated if you aren't following the pay-to-win strategy, if you haven't already. You need 1700 trophies to reach this Arena, and you're going to have to stay consistently good to advance, as dropping below 1650 demotes you back an Arena level. The theme of this Arena is buildings, so you'll be able to unlock the Mortar, Elixir Collector, and another devastating Crown Tower-seeking troop, the Golem.
Fire Spirit
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 2
Strengths: Best used defensively against a large group of enemies. Spawn them near the back of the front lines and let the splash damage do its work.
Weaknesses: Long deploy time (one second) means it's not advisable to drop Fire Spirits in the middle of a group of enemy units.
Type: Offensive/Defensive Building
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Deals out long ranged area damage. Can be placed around the King's Tower to offer a layer of defence for both lanes, or used offensively, as it can target Crown Towers from your side of the Arena. Defend with a Tesla for an awesome (if not cheap) strategy that should let you get major damage on your opponent's Crown Tower.
Weaknesses: Cannot target enemies that are very close to it, as you'll see from its range when you place one. Can only fire up to six shots in it's lifespan. Can be taken down with a Hog Rider, which is basically impossible for the Mortar to hit.
Elixir Collector
Type: Special Building
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 5
Strengths: Special building that gives you an extra boost of Elixir. Generates one unit of elixir every 9.8 seconds, for a total profit of 2 Elixirs over it's lifetime. Can also be used as a distraction for building targeting troops, due to it's larger hitpoints. Really becomes effective in the final minute.
Weaknesses: Only produced Elixir. Damaging spells, such as Rockets and Fireballs, can quickly foil any profit from building one.
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 8
Strengths: Single target melee troop with a very high hitpoint. Upon it's death, the Golem explodes, causing decent area damage to surrounding troops and buildings. This also spawns two Golemites, that continue to dole out damage until exploding and causing (significantly less) area damage when destroyed. Best used with supporting troops, as you would use a Giant. Also has the added advantage of typically destroying a swarming Skeleton Army once destroyed.
Weaknesses: Slow, as expected. Only targets buildings. Second-highest Elixir cost in the game. When the Golem dies, enemies will target on other troops before the Golemites spawn, so it's worth keeping that in mind.
Ice Golem
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 2
Strengths: Ice Golem is one of the cheapest mini-tank units and does well against Mini P.E.K.K.A. and Valkyrie cards.
Weaknesses: Does very low damage to building and towers.
Royal Arena
Lorde was wrong; you can become Royals. Awful jokes aside, if you're reaching this Arena, you're one of the best Clash Royale players in the world. Congratulations! You require over 2,000 trophies to unlock the Royal Arena. Doing so gives you access to the last set of cards in the game, and predictably they save the best for last. Crush your opponents and get Chests to unlock the mighty Royal Giant, the Three Musketeers, the Dark Prince, and the second and final Legendary card available in the game, the Princess.
Royal Giant
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Common
Elixir Cost: 6
Strengths: Single target, medium range troop with the high hitpoints as you would expect from a Giant. Armed with a cannon, the Royal Giant can hit a Crown Tower from the bridge. Can still work as a meat shield if you get him close enough that the Crown Towers target him, but especially with the Princess who has a longer ranged attack. Will also draw in defending melee troops, so pairs well with the Wizard or a Bomber.
Weaknesses: Doesn't cause as much damage as the Giant's melee attacks on buildings. Easily countered by Minion Horde and Skeleton Army. Won't protect your melee troops like the Giant does.
Three Musketeers
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Rare
Elixir Cost: 9
Strengths: Spawns three Musketeers (duh), which are single target range troops that can be very effective. Best strategy is to spawn them at the back end of the arena so you're able to regenerate elixir for support once they start attacking the enemy. If you drop them in the middle of your area, they will split off into two groups. Deploy them with a Rage spell for maximum domination of Crown Towers.
Weaknesses: Highest Elixir cost in the game. Can be simply defeated by a Fireball, Rocket or Lightning spell immediately, which could absolutely devastate your plans considering that high cost. They will lock onto Crown Towers, which means you'll need to support them with troops once they're locked on.
Dark Prince
Type: Ground Troop
Rarity: Epic
Elixir Cost: 4
Strengths: Melee troop with a high hitpoint that deals splash damage, making him better suited than the Prince for dealing with hordes. Also does 2x damage when at charging speed like the Prince. Also has a shield that takes the brunt of the first 250 hitpoints.
Weaknesses: Not as powerful as the Prince, damage-wise.
Type: Ground Troop
Elixir Cost: 3
Strengths: This legendary ground troop with the longest ranged attack in the game. She's able to attack Crown Towers from the players' side of the river. She deals massive area damage with her flaming arrows, which targets air and ground troops. Place your princess at the back of your end of the arena to keep her protected, as she'll be able to easily clear out low hitpoint hordes from a distance, as well as defensive buildings (excluding a hidden Tesla) while your other troops march forward. Best used with a meat shield (Giant, Giant Skeleton ect) to distract the enemy troops while the Princess deals damage from distance. With a cost of only 3 Elixir
Weaknesses: Low hitpoint means the Princess can be taken out with a Goblin Barrel, Fireball, and Arrows, however a level 6 Princess can survive a maxed-out Arrows attack.
Legendary Arena
There are no cards left to be unlocked in the Legendary Arena, but if you amass over 3,000 trophies, you are in elite company and qualify for Legendary Seasons. In this Arena, players battle for Legendary Trophies over a 14-day season. At the end of the season, everyone's trophy count is reset to 3,000, with the deducted trophies counting towards your total Legendary Trophy count.
Basically, if you reach the Legendary level, not only are you one of the best-skilled players in the game, you've also probably paid a significant amount to get there.
Pop culture geek, hopelessly addicted to streaming movies, tv shows, and podcasts. Would be lost in life without unlimited data.