Original Devil May Cry for Nintendo Switch: Everything you need to know

It's been quite some time since many of us booted up a PlayStation 2 to play the original Devil May Cry game, right? With the absolute masterpiece Devil May Cry 5 was, I'm sure many of us wanted to revisit the title (I did, anyway). It's not uncommon for a new game to come out and suddenly you want to break back into the older titles. The problem, however, is how absolutely expensive it gets to buy the games you loved as a child.

Well, worry no more. Soon enough you won't have to pay a collectors fee to play the original Devil May Cry game. Capcom announced this week that players can "relive the adventure that introduced the legendary Dante to the world with the original Devil May Cry, coming to Nintendo Switch this Summer."

At the moment we know the release of the original Devil May Cry game to the Nintendo Switch will be the same one from the 2018 remastered collection. While it is coming from a collection, it won't be released with the other titles from the collection. As of right now, Capcom has no intentions of releasing any other Devil May Cry games to the Nintendo Switch.

What we have in store for you

News updates about Devil May Cry

Check here for all the updated news about the original Devil May Cry game that's releasing to the Nintendo Switch!

May 2019 - Original Devil May Cry is confirmed to be from the HD collection

According to an email sent to USGamer, Capcom has officially announced that the Original Devil May Cry releasing to the Nintendo Switch is from the 2018 Devil May Cry HD remastered collection. Even though the title came from a remastered collection, Capcom also says there aren't "any plans to release other titles from the collection onto the Switch."

Furthermore, there is now an official page for the Devil May Cry Nintendo Switch edition, but it still isn't live on the Nintendo Switch store. Based on the information from the site Capcom launched, there are no intentions for this title having a physical copy released. It will be available as a download only.

What is the Devil May Cry series? Spoilers Ahead

The Devil May Cry series is about 50% sarcasm and 50% demon killing. The main character Dante is a half-human, half-demon who is good at what he does, knows it, and doesn't take crap from anyone. Fans of the series quickly fell in love with Dante for how matter-of-fact and confident he is, and it doesn't stop there either. The games follow some familiar tropes, like "demons hunting demons" or "kill the sky beam" (looking at you Devil May Cry 5), but the main draws have always been the charismatic characters, like Lady, Trish, Vergil, Nero, and more.

In the original game, Dante runs a shop that functions as a handyman service to the public, but with demon-hunting recruitment behind the scenes. He meets up with Trish, a mysterious woman that tells him that Mundus, the demon that he believes is responsible for the deaths in his family, has returned. The rest of the game follows Dante as he works to find Mundus, who wants to return to the human world after being defeated by Dante's father, Sparda, and uncover the mysteries behind Trish's resemblance to his mother. And what does his identical twin brother Vergil have to do with this?

Each entry into the franchise revolves around some demon lord attempting to take over the world by one means or another. Whether it's Mundus tearing down the Hellgates or Arius collecting artifacts to summon Argosax, there is always a greater foe that needs to be taken out to protect the humans of Earth. People flock to Dante's demon head-hunting service in hopes he can live up to his father's name by destroying whatever they need him to.

Devil May Cry, while old, is worth playing also as a way to see how the series has progressed. If you've only ever played Devil May Cry 5, you'll notice a complete difference in scenery compared to the original game, where the literal underbelly of society was more of a secret. As more demon events occurred, it became tougher to conceal to the public. On that note, if you've only ever played Devil May Cry 5, now is your chance to discover where the heart of this series came from.

What kind of gameplay can you expect with Devil May Cry?

The Devil May Cry series revolves around fast-paced hack-and-slash combat with stunning visual effects, much like you would see in games like God of War or Final Fantasy XV. You play as Dante, who kills demons with his guns Ebony and Ivory and a rotating roster of swords. The different games have had varying levels of combos that you can pull off to gain points and the original is no exception. Pull off special attacks and become a master demon hunter, or button mash your way to victory.

How will Devil May Cry run?

While the newest edition of the series, Devil May Cry 5, can run at 4K and 60 frames per second (FPS) on Xbox and PlayStation, the original game featured significantly lower specs (as you can see from the trailer shown above). The hope is that Capcom will either remaster the game to qualities fit for the Nintendo Switch (1280x720 on the touchscreen) or completely redo the game as phenomenally as they did for the Resident Evil 2 remake.

However, the game is more likely to receive a remaster than a do-over. When Capcom announced it was making the Resident Evil 2 remake there was significantly more time before the initial announcement and the release. So, unless the company plans on surprising us all last-minute with a "Haha, we've been working on this the entire time!" I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Pre-order information

Currently, there's no pre-order or release information available. As we get information about this release we'll be sure to update this article, so make sure you pop in on occasion to see what's in store.

Essa Kidwell

Essa Kidwell is an expert in all things VR and mobile devices who can always be found with an Oculus Go, a Pixel 2, and an iPhone 7+. They've been taking things apart just to put them back together for quite some time. If you've got a troubleshooting issue with any of your tech, they're the one you want to go to! Find them on Twitter @OriginalSluggo or Instagram @CosmeticChronus.