Ever since I saw Android Central's own Daniel Bader tooling around town wearing a Narrative Clip, I've had the nagging desire to review a wearable camera. But none of the boxy designs on the market has really spoken to me, and as cool as Snapchat's Spectacles are, they have a lot of limitations. What's more, "lifelogging," or the practice of digitally documenting your daily life, hasn't exactly taken the world by storm since it hit the mainstream a few years back.
So I was surprised to find out, earlier this summer, that a company best known for making WiFi routers has waded into the wearable waters to "redefine the camera." The device in question is FrontRow, a pendant that comes across as a blend of pocketwatch and Android Wear wristwatch, but is actually a very sleek – and very pricey – wearable camera. I've been wearing FrontRow between Boston and Berlin for a little under two weeks; this is the MrMobile review!
Featured Products
- Snapchat Spectacles
- FrontRow Wearable Camera
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