Best order to play Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Gyms, Titans, and Team Star Bases

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet character getting a Meal Power buff
(Image credit: iMore)

Victory Road consists of eight Pokémon gyms, the Path of Legends features five Titan Pokémon, and Starfall Street has you face off against five Team Star bases. Each of these challenges is strewn about the map, with no clear indicators telling you where to go next. It’s completely up to the player to explore and go where they want, but it’s entirely possible that you’ll bump into an enemy that’s completely out of your league if your Pokémon aren’t at a high enough level.

But where to go? We’ve formed a list of all the Challenges you can face in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, from the lowest to the highest level of Pokémon you encounter as this will be the easiest way to go through the adventure.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
ChallengeType Location
Cortondo Gym (Lv 14 - 15)BugCortondo
Stony Cliff Titan (Lv 16)RockSouth Province (Area Three)
Artazon Gym (Lv 19) GrassArtazon
Open Sky Titan (Lv 19) FlyingWest Province (Area One)
Team Star Dark Crew (Lv 20 - 21)DarkWest Province (Area One)
Levincia Gym (Lv 23 - 24)ElectricLevincia
Team Star Fire Crew (Lv 26 -27) FireEast Province (Area One)
Lurking Steel Titan (Lv 28)SteelEast Province (Area One)
Team Star Poison Crew (Lv 32)PoisonTagtree Thicket
Medali Gym (Lv 35 - 36)NormalMedali
Montenevera Gym (Lv 41 - 42)GhostMontenevera
Quaking Earth Titan (Lv 44)GroundAsado Desert
Alfornada Gym (Lv 44 -45)PsychicAlfornada
Glaseado Gym (Lv 47 - 48)IceGlaseado
Team Star Fairy Crew (Lv 50 -51)FairyNorth Province (Area Three)
False Dragon Titan (Lv 55)DragonCasseroya Lake
Team Star Fighting Crew (Lv 55 -56)FightingNorth Province (Area One)

Want to break it down instead and take on each challenge individually? Here’s how you can: 

Victory Road — All Gyms

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Leader Map

(Image credit: iMore)

In classic Pokémon fashion, Victory Road is the journey you take to become the Pokémon Champion of the Paldea region. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you complete a gym trial for eight gyms, followed by a battle against each gym leader

Gym leaders specialize in a specific type of Pokémon, meaning you’ll need to raise a wide variety of Pokémon if you’re going to rely on type advantages in battle. Each gym is located in one of the many cities scattered across the Paldea region. After beating a gym, you ensure that Pokémon up to a certain level are easier to catch and command during battles.

Here is the best order in which to take on gym challenges if you want them to gradually increase in difficulty:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
ChallengeType Location
Cortondo Gym (Lv 14 - 15)BugCortondo
Artazon Gym (Lv 16 -17)GrassArtazon
Levincia Gym (Lv 23 -24)ElectricLevincia
Cascarrafa Gym (Lv 29 -30)WaterCascarrafa
Medali Gym (Lv 35 - 36)NormalMedali
Montenevera Gym (Lv 41 -42)Ghost Montenevera
Alfornada Gym (Lv 44 -45)PsychicAlfornada
Glaseado Gym (Lv 47 - 48)IceGlaseado

 1. Cortondo Gym — Bug type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet gym leader Katy

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Cortondo can be found in southwest Paldea and is home to the Bug-type gym, led by Katy. Be sure to bring along Fire, Flying, or Rock-type Pokémon to use type advantages! Katy’s Pokémon are at levels 14 to 15. 

 2. Artazon Gym — Grass type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Brassius gym leader

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

The Artazon Gym in southeast Paldea is not only a good second gym because of the gradual level increase, but because the Pokémon you use against the Bug-type gym can help you here as well. The Grass-type gym leader Brassius sports Pokémon ranging from levels 16 to 17, and are weak to Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, and Bug-type Pokémon. 

 3. Levincia Gym — Electric type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Iono gym leader

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

The quirky Electric-type gym leader Iono can be found in Levincia to the east. Her Pokémon range from level 23 to 24 and are weak to Ground-type Pokémon. Be sure to stay grounded when challenging this gym! 

 4. Cascarrafa Gym — Water type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet gym leader Kofu

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

The Water-type gym in midwestern Paldea is led by the cheerful chef Kofu, whose Pokémon stand strong at levels 29 to 30. To ensure your victory, you’ll want to bring along Electric and Grass-type Pokémon. 

 5. Medali Gym — Normal type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet gym leader larry

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Don’t be fooled by the Normal-typing of gym leader Larry’s Pokémon — you’ll need Pokémon at around levels 35 to 36 to defeat him. You’ll want to leave your Ghost-type Pokémon at home, as they have no effect on the Medali gym Pokémon. Instead, bring your best Fighting-type Pokémon! 

 6. Montenevera Gym — Ghost type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet gym leader Ryme

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

You can bring your favorite Ghost-type Pokémon to the northern Montenevera gym, however, as Ghost- and Dark-type Pokémon will surely secure your victory. The gym leader Ryme will be bringing along Pokémon that are levels 41 to 42, so make sure your Pokémon are trained. 

 7. Alfornada Gym — Psychic type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet gym leader Tulip

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Challenges in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet tend to increase in difficulty the further north you go, but this is not the case for this southern gym. Led by Tulip, you’ll be in for a challenge as she brings level 44 to 45 Pokémon. You can use type advantages against her by preparing and bringing Pokémon that are Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type. 

 8. Glaseado Gym — Ice type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Grusha gym leader

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Put on your warmest clothes for the final northern Ice-type gym, where you’ll face against Grusha. Grusha doesn’t hold back, bringing along Pokémon that are levels 47 to 48. Bring along some Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire-type Pokémon to turn up the heat.

Path of Legends — All Titans

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Titans Map

(Image credit: iMore)

The Path of Legends, otherwise known as the sandwich story arc, sees trainers face off against larger-than-life Titans. Defeating these Titans will upgrade your Legendary Pokémon Koraidon (for Pokémon Scarlet players) or Miraidon (for Pokémon Violet players), making it stronger and able to traverse the Paldea region more efficiently.

Here’s the best order to tackle these Titans:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
ChallengeType Location
Stony Cliff Titan (Lv 16)RockSouth Province (Area Three)
Open Sky Titan (Lv 19) FlyingWest Province (Area One)
Lurking Steel Titan (Lv 28)SteelEast Province (Area One)
Quaking Earth Titan (Lv 44)GroundAsado Desert
False Dragon Titan (Lv 55)DragonCasseroya Lake

 1. Stony Cliff Titan — Rock type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Klawf

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

The big crab Pokémon Klawf can be found in Area Three of the South Province. It’s a Rock type, so Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, and Steel-type Pokémon are your best bet. This Titan is found at level 16 and is great for beginners. 

 2. Open Sky Titan — Flying/Dark type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Titan Bombirdier

(Image credit: iMore)

Bombirdier is a Flying and Dark-type Titan that can be challenged at level 19. Bring your best Electric, Ice, Fairy, and Rock-type Pokémon over to Area One of the West Province to defeat it.

 3. Lurking Steel Titan — Steel type

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Orthoworm battle

(Image credit: iMore)

The Lurking Steel Titan Orthworm can be found in Area One of the East Province. It’s a level 28 Steel-type Pokémon, which is countered easily by Fire and Fighting-type Pokémon.

 4. Quaking Earth Titan — Ground/Fighting or Ground/Steel type

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Great Tusk battle

(Image credit: iMore)

You’ll encounter a different Pokémon at this location depending on which game you purchase. Pokémon Scarlet players will face Great Tusk, a Ground/Fighting-type, while Pokémon Violet players can challenge Iron Treads, a Ground/Steel-type Pokémon. Both of these Pokémon are encountered at level 44, and are quite the challenge.

For Pokémon Scarlet players, you'll want to bring Water, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-type Pokémon. Pokémon Violet players would do well to bring along their Fire, Water, Fighting, and Ground-type Pokémon.

 5. False Dragon Titan — Dragon/Water type 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Dondozo battle

(Image credit: iMore)

Don’t be fooled by these false “Dragons” Dondozo and Tatsugiri — they’re actually both Water-type Pokémon! Well, Dondozo is, while Tatsugiri is a Water/Dragon-type. Both are level 55 and they aren’t messing around. Be sure to bring Electric and Grass-type Pokémon for Dondozo and Dragon and Fairy-type Pokémon for Tatsugiri.

Operation Starfall — All Team Star bases

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Team Star Map

(Image credit: iMore)

Team Star is a band of delinquent students who spend their free time in their own self-made bases than actually going to school. After receiving a mysterious call shortly after your enrollment at the Academy, you’re tasked with thwarting their plans to recruit more students. 

Their bases are scattered across the Paldea region, headed by a strong leader who isn’t afraid to hit hard. Make it through the base by sending three Pokémon of your choice out in Let’s Go mode before facing the head honcho. Defeating these bases nabs you some League Points and the ability to craft more TMs at the Pokémon Centers across the region.

Here is the most efficient order in which to take down Team Star:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
ChallengeType Location
Team Star Dark Crew (Lv 20 - 21)DarkWest Province (Area One)
Team Star Fire Crew (Lv 26 -27) FireEast Province (Area One)
Team Star Poison Crew (Lv 32)PoisonTagtree Thicket
Team Star Fairy Crew (Lv 50 -51)FairyNorth Province (Area Three)
Team Star Fighting Crew (Lv 55 -56)FightingNorth Province (Area One)

 1. Team Star Leader Giacomo — Dark type

Pokémon Scarlet Violet Team Star Dark type Giacomo

(Image credit: iMore)

You can find Giacomo, the leader of Team Star’s Dark-type crew, in Area one of the West Province. He sports Dark-type Pokémon that range from level 20 to 21. Bring along your best Fighting, Bug, and Fairy-type Pokémon to take down this dark foe. 

 2. Team Star Leader Mela — Fire type 

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Team Star Mela battle

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Previously seen in promotional trailers for the game, the Fire crew from Team Star is located in Area One of the East Province. Their leader Mela’s Pokémon are level 26 to level 27, and can be easily extinguished with Water, Ground, and Rock-type Pokémon.

 3. Team Star Leader Atticus — Poison type 

Pokémon Scarlet Violet Team Star Poison Boss Atticus

(Image credit: iMore)

Atticus may be strong and silent, but his poison is deadly. Found in Tagtree Thicket, you’ll need to bring Antidotes along with you on this journey. Don’t get too discouraged, though, as Ground or Psychic-type Pokémon around level 32 will get the job done.

 4. Team Star Leader Ortega — Fairy type 

Pokémon Scarlet Violet Team Star Fairy Boss Ortega

(Image credit: iMore)

Don’t let Ortega’s cute appearance fool you — fairies can hit hard, too. Take your best Poison and Steel-type Pokémon along for the ride to defeat Ortega’s level 50 to level 51 Pokémon. The base is located in the Northern Province of Paldea, specifically in Area Three. 

 5. Team Star Leader Eri — Fighting type 

Pokémon Scarlet Violet Team Star Fighting Boss Eri

(Image credit: iMore)

After completing all those challenges, you’ll have Eri to deal with in Area One of North Province, and these Fighting-type Pokémon are no joke. They pack a punch at levels 55 and 56, but with some strong Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-type Pokémon, you should clear them out in no time. 

The most open journey yet!

Of course, you could also just not take any of this advice, and go wherever you please! But if you’re the type of person who appreciates guidance and direction, or who often gets overwhelmed by open-world games, you’ll be sure to build your experience slowly without the frustration of wiping out.

The best part of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is the freedom of choosing your own path and finding your own treasure. Its defining feature, namely the sheer freedom granted to players, is what makes it one of the best Pokémon games the Nintendo Switch has to offer. Even if you gun for the most difficult challenges at the very beginning, you’ll be sure to learn some valuable lessons along the way.

Pokémon Scarlet

Pokémon Scarlet

In the first open-world Pokémon game, players can take a journey through a region inspired by the Iberian Peninsula. Pokémon Scarlet features the legendary Pokémon Koraidon, whose name is reminiscent of the Japanese word "ancient". What secrets can you uncover?

Buy from: Amazon

Pokémon Violet

Pokémon Violet

Pokémon Violet is Scarlet's counterpart, featuring Professor Turo and Miraidon, whose name strikes a similar resemblance to the Japanese word for "future". Players can traverse the world alongside friends in this gorgeous Nintendo Switch game.

Buy from: Amazon

Nadine Dornieden

Nadine is a freelance writer for iMore with a specialty in all things Nintendo, often working on news, guides, reviews, and editorials. She's been a huge Nintendo fan ever since she got to pet her very own Nintendog, and enjoys looking at Nintendo's place in the video game industry. Writing is her passion, but she mostly does it so that she can pay off her ever-growing debt to Tom Nook. Her favorite genres are simulation games, rhythm games, visual novels, and platformers. You can find her at @stopthenadness on Twitter, where she'll more than likely be reposting cute Animal Crossing content.

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