Pokémon Go: Mega Tyranitar Mega Raid guide

Pokémon Go Mega Tyranitar
(Image credit: Niantic)

Mega Tyranitar is finally coming to Mega Raids in Pokémon Go. Fortunately, we here at iMore have everything you need to know to beat and catch this highly anticipated Pokémon!

Who is Mega Tyranitar in Pokémon Go?

Pokémon 248 Tyranitar Mega

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

A pseudo-Legendary from the Johto region of Gen II, Tyranitar is a Rock and Dark type known for its incredible power and destructive nature. In Pokémon Go, it has been a staple for many trainers over the years. In fact, even with all the new Legendary Pokémon and Mega Pokémon Niantic has added since its introduction to the game, Tyranitar and its Shadow variant are both still some of the best in both Dark and Rock types.

Now Mega Tyranitar has arrived and players are excited. Mega Tyranitar retains its typing and is highly ranked in both. As a Rock type, it doesn't deal damage as quickly as Mega Aerodactyl, but it has a lot more bulk so lasts much longer on the field. Both may eventually be beat out by Mega Diancie, but as a Mythical, Diancie will likely be limited to one per account and it is likely to have its Mega Evolution restricted even further. As a Dark type, no other Mega comes close. 

Simply put, you're going to want Mega Tyranitar on your team. So be sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories, so you can be fully equipped for all those Mega Tyranitar raids!

Mega counters

Pokémon Go Mega Raid

(Image credit: Niantic)

There are a handful of options for Mega Evolution when countering Mega Tyranitar, focusing on each of its weaknesses: Ground, Bug, Steel, Water, Grass, Fairy, and Fighting. However, Fighting is a double weakness, so most of the recommended counters will benefit from a Fighting type Mega. 

Mega Blaziken

Pokémon 257 Blaziken Mega

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Beat out only by Terrakion, Mega Blaziken is the best Mega Evolved Pokémon you could bring to this fight. It's a Fire and Fighting type, granting it resistances to Dark, Steel, and Fire type damage. When facing Mega Tyranitar, the best moveset for Blaziken is Counter and Focus Blast.

Mega Gallade

Pokémon 475 Gallade Mega

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

If you don't have enough Mega Energy for Blaziken, Mega Gallade is another great option. It's a Psychic and Fighting type, so the only useful resistance it brings to this fight is Rock, but it isn't weak to any of Tyranitar's moves either. Low Kick and Close Combat are the ideal moves for Gallade here.

Mega Lopunny

Pokémon 428 Lopunny Mega

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Mega Lopunny won't last nearly as long as Gallade or Blaziken and it won't do nearly as much damage, but its the only other option for boosting Fighting types. As a Normal and Fighting type, it resists Dark and Rock type damage and has no relevant weaknesses. Your Lopunny should know Double Kick and Focus Blast to deal the most damage.

Honorable mentions

While they will not perform as well, the following Mega Evolved Pokémon can also work for this raid:

Top counters

Pokémon Go gyms and raids

(Image credit: Niantic)

Mega Tyranitar is a Rock and Dark type with access to Rock, Dark, Steel, and Fire type moves. It has a whopping seven weaknesses, including Ground, Bug, Steel, Water, Grass, Fairy, and Fighting types; however, Fighting is a double weakness, so you'll want to focus your efforts there.


Pokémon 639 Terrakion

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Best of the best, Legendary Sword of Justice Terrakion is the top counter for this raid, even beating out Mega and Shadow Pokémon. As a Rock and Fighting type, it resists Dark, Rock, and Fire type damage, while its weak against Steel type moves. Terrakion has had several runs in raids now, so most active players have at least one powered up and ready for this fight. Double Kick and Sacred Sword are its best moves, but if you can't spare an Elite TM, Close Combat still puts it in the top counters.


Pokémon 647 Keldeo Ordinary

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Another of the Swords of Justice, Keldeo is our next top counter. this Water and Fighting type resists all four of Tyranitar's attack types. Unfortunately, Keldeo was only available to players who completed a Special Research and is limited to one per account. If you have Keldeo, Low Kick and Sacred Sword are its best moves here.


Pokémon 534 Conkeldurr

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Unovan native Conkeldurr is next on our list. This pure Fighting type has no weaknesses Tyranitar can exploit and it resists both Rock and Dark type damage. Although it is pricey to evolve, Conkeldurr benefits from Trade Evolution and it has been featured in events, so chances are you already have a couple. Counter and Dynamic Punch are the moves your Conkeldurr should know.


Pokémon 448 Lucario

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Originally encountered in the Sinnoh region of Gen IV, Lucario is another great counter for Tyranitar. As a Steel and Fighting type, it takes super effective damage from Fire type moves, but it resists Rock, Dark, and Steel type damage. Lucario is limited to evolution only, but its first stage has been featured in eggs many times over the years, so many active players will have a few. Counter and Aura Sphere are Lucario's best moves here.


Pokémon 068 Machamp

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Originally encountered in Kanto during Gen I, Machamp performs great against Tyranitar. It's a pure Fighting type, so it resists Dark and Rock while having no relevant weaknesses. Machamp is also super common, benefiting from Trade Evolution and having been featured in many events, including Community Day, so there's no good reason not to have a few. The best moveset for Machamp is Counter and Dynamic Punch.


Pokémon 297 Hariyama

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

From Gen III's Hoenn region, Hariyama performs well against Mega Tyranitar. It's another pure Fighting type, so it resists Rock and Dark type damage. Hariyama is also very common with its first stage having been featured in many events. If you're adding it to your team, your Hariyama should know Counter and Dynamic Punch.


Pokémon 638 Cobalion

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Another of the Legendary Swords of Justice, Cobalion is our next top counter. This Steel and Fighting type takes super effective damage from Fire type moves, but resists the rest of Tyranitar's attack types. Cobalion has seen many runs in raids, so most active players have had the chance to add it to their roster. Double Kick and Sacred Sword is the moveset you're looking for, but if you don't have the Elite TM to spare, Counter puts it on par with the back ups.


Pokémon 640 Virizion

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

The last of the Legendary Swords of Justice, Virizion is another excellent choice here. It's a Grass and Fighting type, so Fire type moves hit for super effective damage, while it resists Rock and Dark type damage. Like the other Legendary Swords of Justice, Virizion has had several runs in raids, so you probably have at least one powered up. Double Kick and Sacred Sword are Virizion's best moves here, with Counter placing it in the back ups.


Pokémon 286 Breloom

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Hoenn native Breloom is another great option for this fight. It's a Grass and Fighting type, so Fire type moves hit for super effective damage, but it resists Rock and Dark types. Breloom is also incredibly common and cheap to evolve. If you're adding it to your team, you want Counter and Dynamic Punch for Breloom's moves.

Galarian Zapdos

Pokémon 145 Zapdos Galarian

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Last but not least is Galarian Zapdos. Unlike its Kantonian counterpart, Galarian Zapdos is a Fighting and Flying type, so its only useful resistance here is Dark, but it isn't weak to any of Tyranitar's moves either. Unfortunately, Galarian Zapdos can only be encountered using Daily Adventure Incense and it has a very small capture rate, so many players haven't even seen one, much less caught it. Still, if you have Galarian Zapdos, you'll want it to know Counter and Close Combat for this raid.

Back up counters

Although most players will be able to make a team of the best counters, if you're finding a gap in your team, there are plenty of back ups who work well in larger groups. Just make sure you're dodging and any of the following could be a decent back up:

  • Blaziken with Counter and Focus Blast
  • Buzzwole with Counter and Superpower
  • Sirfetch'd with Counter and Close Combat
  • Toxicroak with Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Bewear with Low Kick and Superpower
  • Togekiss with Hidden Power (Fighting) and Aura Sphere
  • Sneasler with Rock Smash and Close Combat
  • Emboar with Low Kick and Focus Blast
  • Pheromosa with Low Kick and Close Combat
  • Landorus (Therian) with Mud Shot and Super Power
  • Heracross with Counter and Close Combat
  • Regigigas with Hidden Power (Fighting) and Focus Blast
  • Pangoro with Low Kick and Close Combat
  • Mienshao with Low Kick and Brick Break
  • Poliwrath with Rock Smash and Dynamic Punch
  • Crabominable with Rock Smash and Power-Up Punch
  • Gallade with Low Kick and Close Combat
  • Haxorus with Counter and Surf
  • Sawk with Low Kick and Focus Blast

Shadow counters

Pokémon Go Shadow Wobbuffet, Bellsprout, and Porygon

(Image credit: Niantic)

The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events or with Elite TMs, it's possible to change their moves. If you happen to have any of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this Raid:

  • Shadow Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Shadow Hariyama with Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Shadow Blaziken with Counter and Focus Blast
  • Shadow Poliwrath with Rock Smash and Dynamic Punch
  • Shadow Gallade with Low Kick and Close Combat
  • Shadow Hitmonchan with Double Kick and Close Combat
  • Shadow Ursaluna with Rock Smash and High Horsepower

Note: Although there are few Shadow Pokémon recommended for this raid, Shadow Machamp, Shadow Hariyama, and Shadow Blaziken are plentiful and perform on par with other top counters.

More details

As this is a Mega Raid, the faster you beat it, the more Mega Energy you will earn, so larger parties are always preferred; however, they're no necessary here. While Mega Tyranitar is a force to be reckoned with, thanks to its double weakness to Fighting type damage, it's not a super challenging raid. High level players with the best counters can duo this raid, but if you're lower level, you may want to aim for four or five players. 

Weather conditions that can impact this raid include:

  • Partly Cloudy Weather will boost Tyranitar's Rock type move
  • Fog will boost its Dark type moves
  • Snow will boost its Steel type move, as well as Steel type counters
  • Sunny/Clear Weather will boost its Fire type move, as well as Grass and Ground type counters
  • Cloudy/Overcast Weather will boost Fighting and Fairy type counters
  • Rain will boost Water and Bug type counters

Don't miss your chance to catch Mega Tyranitar in Pokémon Go!

Mega Tyranitar will only be around for a limited time, so you won't want to miss out on your chance to battle it! And be sure to check out our other Pokémon Go guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!

Casian Holly

Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.

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