Pokémon Go Community Day Guide December 2022
What to expect from Pokémon Go Community Day

Pokémon Go Community Days are exactly what the name implies — a way to get trainers out to catch Pokémon and raid together. Read ahead for everything you need to know about Pokémon Go Community Day!
The December 2022 Pokémon Go Community Day
Get out and play together in your local community parks on Pokémon GO Community Day. For just a few hours each month, a specific Pokémon species will take over the wild, have increased Shiny rates, and even feature an event exclusive move. You'll want to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories, so you can be fully equipped for the next Community Day!
Note: Fast TMs and Charged TMs will not grant exclusive moves during Community Day. To learn the exclusive move, you must catch or evolve the featured Pokémon during Community Day hours.
Event date and time
The next Community Day will be held on Saturday and Sunday, December 17-18, 2022 from 2PM to 5PM local time.
Event features
The December 2022 Community Day will feature all of the Community Day Pokémon from 2022 and 2021. Not only will 2022's Community Day Pokémon take over wild spawns and Timed Research, but 2021's Community Day Pokémon will appear in eggs, raids, and Timed Research.
On Saturday, the following Pokémon will see increased wild spawns:
- Bulbasaur
- Sandshrew
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Alolan Geodude
- Dratini
- Hoppip
- Mudkip
- Spheal
- Stufful
On Sunday, the following Pokémon will see increased wild spawns:
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- Bulbasaur
- Dratini
- Teddiursa
- Mudkip
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Starly
- Roggenrola
- Litwick
- Deino
During the event, the following Pokémon will appear in one star raids:
- Machop
- Eevee
- Roselia
- Swablu
- Duskull
- Shinx
- Gible
- Snivy
- Tepig
- Oshawott
- Fletchling
During the event, 2KM eggs may contain the following Pokémon:
- Machop
- Eevee
- Swablu
- Duskull
- Shinx
- Budew
- Gible
- Snivy
- Tepig
- Oshawott
- Fletchling
Exclusive moves
Pokémon caught or evolved between 9AM and 9PM either day* will know the following Legacy Moves:
- Venusaur will know Frenzy Plant
- Sandslash will know Night Slash
- Alolan Sandslash will know Shadow Claw
- Machamp will know Payback
- Alolan Golem will know Rollout
- Eevee will know Last Resort
- Vaporeon will know Scald
- Jolteon will know Zap Cannon
- Flareon will know Superpower
- Espeon will know Shadow Ball
- Umbreon will know Psychic
- Leafeon will know Bullet Seed
- Glaceon will know Water Pulse
- Sylveon will know Psyshock
- Dragonite will know Draco Meteor
- Jumpluff will know Acrobatics
- Swampert will know Hydro Cannon
- Altaria will know Moonblast
- Walrein will know Powder Snow and Icicle Spear
- Staraptor will know Gust
- Luxray will know Psychic Fangs
- Roserade will know Bullet Seed and Weather Ball (Fire)
- Garchomp will know Earth Power
- Dusknoir will know Shadow Ball
- Serperior will know Frenzy Plant
- Emboar will know Blast Burn
- Samurott will know Hydro Cannon
- Gigalith will know Meteor Beam
- Chandelure will know Poltergeist
- Hydreigon will know Brutal Swing
- Talonflame will know Incinerate
- Bewear will know Drain Punch
- Obstagoon will know Obstruct
- Ursaluna* will know High Horsepower
*Note: Ursaluna can be evolved between 2PM on Saturday and 6AM on Sunday, and between 2PM and 9PM on Sunday
In addition to increased Shiny rates for the featured Pokémon and Community Day exclusive moves, players will also be able to enjoy the following bonuses:
- Timed Research featuring Pokémon from 2021 and 2022 Community Days
- December Community Day 2022, a paid Special Research story in the PokéShop for $1USD or local equivalent
- Three hour Incense duration
- Three hour Lure Module duration
- Double Catch XP
- Double Catch Stardust
- Double Catch candy
- Double chance at Catch XL Candy
- Half Trade Stardust
- One bonus daily Special Trade
- Event themed stickers from PokéStops, Gifts, and in the PokéShop
What is Pokémon Go Community Day?
It's all part of Pokémon Go's ongoing efforts to encourage players to get out, discover new places, and meet new people.
From Pokémon Go:
Pokémon GO Community Day is an opportunity for Trainers around the world to meet up at their local parks to make new friends and experience what it means to be a part of this special community. Once a month, we'll host a Pokémon GO Community Day event starring a special Pokémon, which will frequently appear around the world for just a few hours. When caught during the event, this special Pokémon will know an exclusive move. Other bonuses will be in effect during the event, such as increased XP or Stardust, and Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours. We're constantly blown away by the passion of Pokémon GO players around the world, and we hope that each Pokémon GO Community Day will help add to the excitement of local events and meetups. Remember always to be alert and stay safe while playing and be respectful of public spaces when exploring your community. Stay tuned to our social media channels and check out the Pokémon GO Community Day event page each month to learn about that month's featured Pokémon, special bonuses, and event times.
What were the previous Pokémon Go Community Days?
Starting with the most recent one and working our way back, here's what Pokémon Go has offered for the previous Community Days.
- November 12, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Teddiursa, which could be evolved into Ursaluna with High Horsepower. It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Ursaring raids, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, half Trade Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Teddiursa XL Candy, a Teddiursa Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, A Sweet Snack.
- October 15, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Litwick, which could be evolved into Chandelure with Poltergeist. It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Lampent raids, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch XP, half Trade Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Litwick XL Candy, a Litwick Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Field Notes: Trick of the Light.
- September 18, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Roggenrola, which could be evolved into Gigalith with Meteor Beam. It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Boldore raids, three hour Incense duration, quarter Hatch Distance, half Trade Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Roggenrola XL Candy, a Roggenrola Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Rock 'n' Roll.
- August 13, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Galarian Zigzagoon, which could be evolved into Obstagoon with Obstruct. It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Galarian Linoone raids, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Zigzagoon XL Candy, a Galarian Zigzagoon Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Field Notes: Galarian Zigzagoon.
- July 17, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Starly, which could be evolved into Staraptor with Gust. It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Staravia raids, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch XP, double Catch Candy, double Starly XL Candy, a Starly Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Field Notes: Starly.
- June 25, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Deino, which could be evolved into Hydreigon with Brutal Swing. It also featured increased Shiny rates, limited four star Zweilous raids, three hour Incense duration, half Trade Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Deino XL Candy, a Deino Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Field Notes: Deino.
- May 21, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Alolan Geodude, which could be evolved into Alolan Golem with Roll Out. It also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, double Catch Candy, double Geodude XL Candy, an Alolan Geodude Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, A Rocky Road.
- April 23, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Stufful, which could be evolved into Bewear with Drain Punch. It also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch XP, double Catch Candy, double Stufful XL Candy, a Stufful Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Strong Stuff. The event returned to a three hour format for the first time since pandemic bonuses were first implemented, but added a Group Play bonus, that increased the Catch XP to quadruple if enough players used the same Lure Module.
- March 13, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew, which could be evolved into Sandslash with Night Slash and Alolan Sandshrew with shadow Claw. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, quarter egg distance, a Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Gritty and Glacial.
- February 12 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Hoppip, which could be evolved into Jumpluff with Acrobatics. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, a Hoppip Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, A Hop, Skip, and Jump Away.
- January 16, 2022: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Spheal, which could be evolved into Walrein with Powder Snow and Icicle Spear. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch XP, a Spheal Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, The Spheal Deal.
- December 18 and 19, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured all of the Community Day Pokémon from 2021 and 2020. Pokémon featured included: Machop, Roselia, Swablu, Gible, Snivy, Fletchling, Eevee, Duskull, Tepig, Shinx, Oshawott, Charmander, Weedle, Abra, Gastly, Rhyhorn, Magikarp, Porygon, Electabuzz, Magmar, Seedot, nnd Piplup. In addition to boosted Shiny rates and a return of Community Day exclusive moves, Community Day Pokémon also took over Raids and 2KM Eggs, and players enjoyed half Egg Hatch Distance, double Catch XP, double Catch Stardust, reduced Trade Stardust, an extra Special Trade per day, limited Timed Research, and a Paid Special Research.
- November 21, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Shinx, which could be evolved into Luxray with Psychic Fangs. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Transfer Candy, Quadruple chance of XL Transfer Candy, a Shinx Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Flash, Spark, and Gleam.
- October 9, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Duskull, which could be evolved into Dusknoir with Shadow Ball. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, a Duskull Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Nothin' Dull About Duskull.
- September 19, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Oshawott, which could be evolved into Samurott with Hydro Cannon. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, an Oshawott Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, From Scalchops to Seamitars.
- August 14 and 15, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured the Evolution Pokémon, Eevee, with the move Last Resort. Eevee could be evolved into Vaporeon with Scald, Jolteon with Zap Cannon, Flareon with Superpower, Espeon with Shadow Ball, Umbreon with Psychic, Leafeon with Bullet Seed, Glaceon with Water Pulse, or Sylveon with Psyshock. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day box in the PokéShop, three hour Incense duration, quarter hatch distance, an Eevee Snapshot Surprise, Timed Research for Mossy and Glacial Lure Modules, and a paid Special Research story, What You Choose to Be.
- July 3, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured the Fire Pig Pokémon, Tepig, which could be evolved into Emboar with Blast Burn. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, a Tepig Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Roasted Berries.
- June 6, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured the Land Shark Pokémon, Gible, which could be evolved into Garchomp with Earth Power. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch XP, a Gible Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Just A Nibble.
- May 15, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured the Cotton Bird Pokémon, Swablu, which could be evolved into Altaria with Moon Blast. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, quarter Hatch Distance, a Swablu Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Cotton-Winged Bird.
- April 11, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured the Grass Snake Pokémon, Snivy, which could be evolved into Serperior with Frenzy Plant. The event also featured increased Shiny rates, a Community Day Box in the Shop, three hour Incense duration, triple Catch Stardust, a Snivy Snapshot Surprise, and a paid Special Research Story, Snivy in the Sunshine.
- March 6, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured the Tiny Robin Pokémon, Fletchling which could be evolved into Talonflame with Incinerate, the Shiny Fletchling family, triple Catch XP, and three hour Incense. It also featured a Paid Special Research, Stop and Smell the Roselia, a Roselia Snapshot Surprise, Budew in 2KM Eggs, and an extended six hour event.
- February 7, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured the Thorn Pokémon, Roselia which could be evolved into Roserade with Bullet Seed and the Fire type Weather Ball, the Shiny Roselia family, quarter hatch distance, and three hour Incense. It also featured a Paid Special Research, The Bravest Bird, a Fletchling Snapshot Surprise, and an extended six hour event.
- January 16, 2021: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured the Superpower Pokémon, Machop which could be evolved into evolved into Machamp with Payback, the Shiny Machop family, triple catch Stardust, and three hour Incense. It also featured a Paid Special Research, Straight to the top, Machop!, a Machop Snapshot Surprise, and an extended six hour event. Additionally, because Machamp is one of a select few Pokémon that can take advantage of Trade Evolution, the Trade range was increased to 40KM.
- December 12 and 13, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured every Community Day Pokémon from 2020 and 2021, including Charmander, Weedle, Abra, Gastly, Rhyhorn, Electabuzz, Magmar, Magikarp, Porygon, Totodile, Swinub, Treecko, Torchic, Seedot, Ralts, Slakoth, Mudkip, Turtwig, Chimchar, Trapinch, Bagon, and Piplup. In addition to boosted Shiny rates and a return of Community Day exclusive moves, Community Day Pokémon also took over Raids and 2KM Eggs, and players enjoyed half Egg Hatch Distance, double Catch Stardust, limited Timed Research, and a Paid Special Research.
- November 21, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Magmar, which you could evolve into Magmortar with Thunderbolt, the shiny Magmar family, quarter hatch distance, and three hour incense. It also featured a Paid Special Research, No Match for Magmar, a Magmar Snapshot Surpise, Magby in 2KM Eggs, and an extended six hour event.
- November 15, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Electabuzz), which you could evolve into Electivire with Flamethrower, the shiny Electabuzz family, quarter hatch distance, and three hour incense. It also featured a Paid Special Research, Electric for Electabuzz, an Electabuzz Snapshot Surprise, Elekid in 2KM Eggs, and an extended six hour event.
- October 17, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Charmander, which you could evolve into Charizard with Dragon Breath, the shiny Charmander family, 3x Catch Stardust, and three hour incense. It also featured a Paid Special Research, A Tale of Tails, a Charmander Snapshot Surprise, and an extended six hour event.
- September 20, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Porygon, which you could evolve into Porygon-Z with Tri-Attack, the shiny Porygon family, 3x Catch XP, and three hour incense. It also featured a paid Special Research, Decoding Porygon, a Porygon Snapshot Surprise, and an extended six hour event.
- August 8, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Magikarp, which you could evolve into a Gyarados with Aqua Tail, the shiny Magikarp family, 3x Catch XP, and three hour incense. It also featured a paid story event, Making a Splash, a Magikarp Snapshot Surprise, and an extended six hour event.
- July 19, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Gastly, which you could evolve into Gengar with Shadow Punch, the shiny Gastly family, 3x Catch XP, and three hour incense. It also featured a paid story event, The Great Gastly, a Gastly Snapshot Surprise, and an extended six hour event.
- June 20, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Weedle, which you could evolve into Beedrill with Drill Run, the shiny Weedle family, 3x Catch XP, and three hour Incense. It also featured a Weedle Snapshot Surprise and an extended six hour event.
- May 24, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Play at Home Edition featured Seedot, which you could evolve into Shiftry with Bullet Seed, the shiny Seedot family, 3x Catch XP, and three hour Incense. It also featured a paid story event, Seeing Double, photobombing Seedot, and an extended six hour event.
- April 25, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day: Stay at Home Edition featured Abra, which you could evolve into Alakazam with Counter, the shiny Abra family, 3x Catch XP, and three hour Incense. It also featured a paid story event, Investigating Illusions, photobombing Abra, and an extended six hour event.
- March 15, 2020: Pokémon Go canceled Community Day.
- February 22, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Rhyhorn, which you could evolve into Rhyperior with Rock Wrecker, the shiny Rhyhorn family, and 3x Catch Stardust.
- January 19, 2020: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Piplup, which you could evolve into Empoleon with Hydro Cannon, the shiny Piplup family, and 1/4 Egg Distance.
- December 14 and 15, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured all previous Community Day Pokémon, including Bulbasaur, Charmander, Pikachu, Dratini, Totodile, Mareep, Swinub, Larvitar, Treecko, Torchic, Slakoth, Bagon, Squirtle, Eevee, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Ralts, Trapinch, Beldum, Turtwig, and Chimchar. These Pokémon took over spawns, Eggs, and even Raids for much of the weekend.
- November 16, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Chimchar, which you could evolve into Infernape with Blast Burn, the shiny Chimchar family, 1/4 Egg distance, and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- October 12, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Trapinch, which you could evolve into Flygon with Earth Power, the shiny Trapinch family, 3x Catch Experience, and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- September 15, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Turtwig, which you could evolve into Torterra with Frenzy Plant, the shiny Turtwig family, 3x Catch Stardust, and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- August 3, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Ralts, which you could evolve into Gardevoir or Gallade with Synchronize, the Shiny Ralts family, and 25% egg distance and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- July 21st, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Mudkip, which you could evolve into Swampert with Hydro Cannon, the Shiny Mudkip family, and 3x capture XP and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- June 8th, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Slakoth, which you could evolve into Slaking with Body Slam, the Shiny Slakoth family, and 1/4 egg hatching distance and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- May 19th, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Torchic, which you could evolve into Blaziken with Blast Burn, the Shiny Torchic family, and 3x catch Stardust and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- April 13th, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Bagon, which you could evolve into Salamence with Outrage, the Shiny Bagon family, and 3x Capture EXP and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- March 23, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Treecko, which you could evolve into Sceptile with Frenzy Plant, the Shiny Treecko family, and 25% egg distance and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- February 16, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Swinub, which you could evolve into Mamoswine with Ancient Power, the Shiny Swinub family, and 3x capture Stardust, guaranteed Sinnoh Stone rewards, 3-hour Lure Modules, and extra rewards from Trainer Battles.
- January 12th, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Totodile, which you could evolve into Feraligatr with Hydro Cannon, the Shiny Totodile family, and 25% egg distance and 3-hour Lure Modules.
- November 30 - December 3rd: Pokemon Go Community Weekend was a special year-end event featuring all previous Pokemon from Community Days past. The special Pokemon were available the entire weekend, with bonuses in a three-hour window of 2x Catch Stardust, 2x Catch XP, 50% egg distance hatch speed, and three-hour Lure Modules.
- November 10, 2018: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Cyndaquil, which you could evolve into Typhlosion with Blast Burn, the Shiny Cyndaquil family, and 2x catch XP and 2x Stardust.
- October 22, 2018: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Beldum, which you could evolve into Metagross with Meteor Mash, the Shiny Beldum family, and 1/4 egg hatching distance.
- September 22, 2018: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Chikorita, which you could evolve into Meganium with Frenzy Plant, the Shiny Chikorita family, and 3x XP for catches.
- August 11 & 12, 2018: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Eevee with Last Resort, Shiny Eevee and the Eevee-lutions, and 3x Stardust for catches.
- July 8, 2018: Pokemon Go Community Day featured Gen 1 starter, Squirtle, which you could evolve into Blastoise with Hydro Cannon, the Shiny Squirtle family, Sunglasses Squirtle, and 1/4 egg walking distance.
- June 16, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured Gen 2's, Larvitar, which you could evolve into Tyranitar with Smack Down, the Shiny Larvitar family, and 3x XP for catches.
- May 19, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured the Gen 1 starter, Charmander, which you could evolve into Charizard with Blast Burn, the Shiny Charmander family, and 3x Stardust for catches.
- April 15, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured Gen 2's Mareep, which you could evolve into Ampharos with Dragon Pulse, the Shiny Mareep family, 1/4 walking distance for Eggs.
- March 15, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured the Gen 1 starter, Bulbasaur. It also offered 3x XP bonuses for catches, 3-hour lures, the Shiny Bulbasaur family, and the ability to evolve a Venusaur with Frenzy Plant.
- February 24, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured everyone's favorite — and only! — base-level Gen 1 dragon-type: Dratini. It'll also offer 3x Stardust on any Pokémon you caught in the wild, 3-hour lures, Shiny Dratini family, and the ability to evolve a Dragonite with Draco Meteor.
- January 20, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured Pikachu with the unique Surf move. It also offered double XP on anything and everything, three-hour lures, and increased odds to catch Shiny Pikachu.
Don't miss Community Day in Pokémon Go!
Community Day only comes once a month, so don't miss your chance at increased Shiny rates, special moves, and more. Also, be sure to check out our other Pokémon Go guides so you can be a Pokémon Master!
Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.