Pokémon Go: Buzzwole raid guide
How to take on Buzzwole in Pokémon Go

Ultra Beast Buzzwole is returning to raids in Pokémon Go. The Ultra Beasts have very limited availability and are pretty tough. Fortunately, we here at iMore have everything you need to know to beat them.
Who is Buzzwole in Pokémon Go?
UB-02 Absorption, Buzzwole is the one of the Ultra Beasts, a special class of Legendary Pokémon found only in Ultra Space. Very rarely, Ultra Wormholes will appear in the Alola region, providing people and Pokémon alike with the ability to cross between the Pokémon world and Ultra Space.
In terms of gameplay, Buzzwole is one of two Ultra Beasts with Bug and Fighting typing. Currently, its movepool isn't quite so impressive, but that could all change at any point, so it's worth investing in a couple. Be sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories, so you're fully equipped to take on all these Buzzwole raids.
Mega counters
There are a handful of options for Mega Evolution when countering Buzzwole, focusing on each of its weaknesses: Flying, Fire, Psychic, and Fairy. However, as Flying is a double weakness, that should be your first choice.
Mega Pidgeot
If at all possible, Mega Pidgeot is the Mega Evolved Pokémon you want on your team in this fight. As a Normal and Flying type, it resists Bug type damage and has no weaknesses which Buzzwole can exploit. It will also provide a same type Mega Boost to other Flying types on the field, taking advantage of Buzzwole's double weakness. If you're bring Mega Pidgeot to this fight, Gust and Brave Bird is the moveset you'll want.
Mega Charizard Y
If you can't swing Mega Pidgeot, Mega Charizard Y is your next best bet. This Fire and Flying type will provide a same type Mega boost to two of Buzzwole's weaknesses, while resisting both Bug and Fighting type damage itself. Unfortunately, Charizard doesn't have access to a Flying type Charged move, but for this fight, you're going to want it to know Air Slash and Blast Burn.
Honorable mentions
While they will not perform as well, the following Mega Evolved Pokémon can also work for this raid:
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- Mega Alakazam with Confusion and Psychic
- Mega Latios with Zen Headbutt and Psychic
- Mega Charizard X with Air Slash and Blast Burn
- Mega Altaria with Peck and Sky Attack
- Mega Gengar with Lick and Psychic
Top counters
Buzzwole is a Fighting and Bug type with access to Fighting, Bug, and Poison type moves. Its weaknesses include Flying, Fire, Psychic, and Fairy; however, Flying is a double weakness, so that's where you'll want to focus your efforts.
The best standard counter for Buzzwole is a Legendary from Kanto, Moltres. It's a Fire and Flying type, so it resists Bug and Fighting type damage while having no weaknesses Buzzwole can exploit. Plus, Moltres has been featured so many times in so many different ways, that most active players have had several chances to catch and power it up. If you include Moltres in your team, you'll want Wing Attack for its fast move and Sky Attack for the charged.
The next top counter for Buzzwole is the mascot of Pokémon Emerald, Rayquaza. This Flying and Dragon type resists Fighting and Bug type damage while having no relevant weaknesses. Rayquaza has also been available many times over in raids and even in Special Research, so most active players have encountered it. If you're bringing Rayquaza to this fight, you'll want Air Slash and Hurricane for the moveset.
The mascot of Pokémon Gold, Ho-Oh is another excellent counter for Buzzwole. It's a Fire and Flying type, giving it resistances to both Bug and Fighting type moves, as well as no relevant weaknesses. Ho-Oh has also been available many times in a number of ways, so there's a good chance you already have at least one powered up. For this raid, Ho-Oh's ideal moveset is Hidden Power (Flying) and Brave Bird. If you didn't get lucky with your Hidden Power typing, best to leave Ho-Oh on the bench.
Galarian Articuno
Another top counter for Buzzwole is Galarian Articuno. Unlike its Gen I counterpart, Galarian Articuno is a Psychic and Flying type, meaning it resists Fighting type damage and Buzzwole cannot exploit any of its weaknesses. Unfortunately, Galarian Articuno is very new to Pokémon Go and can only be encountered when using the new Daily Incense feature, as such many players haven't even seen one, much less caught it. Still, if you have one, Psycho Cut and Brave Bird are the moves it should know in this raid.
Another great counter for Buzzwole is Lugia, the mascot of Pokémon Silver. This Psychic and Flying type has no weaknesses Buzzwole can exploit and resists Fighting type damage. However, only an Apex Lugia earned from the limited Apex Masterwork Research will fit the bill. Apex Lugia is the only one with access to Aeroblast++, which should be paired with Extrasensory for maximum damage. Although other Lugia can learn Aeroblast, you'd be better off with any of the other top counters or even most of the back ups.
Originally encountered in the Sinnoh Region of Gen IV, Staraptor is common counter you can rely on against Buzzwole. It's also a Normal and Flying type, so resists Bug type moves while taking standard damage from Fighting and Poison. Its first stage is incredibly common, on top of having the Community Day treatment, so most active players have plenty. Gust and Brave Bird are the moves you'll want your Staraptor to know in this fight.
The Legendary mascot of Pokémon Y, Yveltal also performs very well in this raid. As a Flying and Dark type, it has no relevant weaknesses or resistances, and it's had rather limited availability in Pokémon Go so far. However, if you are bringing Yveltal along, Gust and Hurricane is its ideal moveset for facing Buzzwole.
Another great counter for Buzzwole is the Unovan native Braviary. This Flying and Normal type resists Bug type damage while having no relevant weaknesses. Unfortunately, Braviary has rather limited availability, as it can only be obtained via evolution and its first stage doesn't normally spawn. Still, if you have one powered up and ready to go, Air Slash and Brave Bird is the moveset you'll want for this raid.
Tornadus (Incarnate)
One of Unova's Forces of Nature, Tornadus (Incarnate) is our next top counter for Buzzwole. This pure Flying type resists Bug and Fighting type damage while having no weaknesses Buzzwole can exploit. He's also been featured in raids several times and shares candy with a second forme, so powering up should be easy. If you're bringing Incarnate Tornadus to this fight, you'll want him to know Air Slash and Hurricane.
Another excellent counter for Buzzwole is the Sinnoh Stone Evolution of Gen II's Murkrow, Honchkrow. This Dark and Flying type has no notable weaknesses or resistances, but its first stage is incredibly common and has been featured in many events, so most active players have had ample opportunities to evolve and power it up. The best moves for Honchkrow when facing Buzzwole are Peck and Sky Attack.
Tornadus (Therian)
Although the Incarnate forme performs better, Tornadus (Therian) is also a top counter for Buzzwole. He's also a pure Flying type, so will resist Fighting and Bug type damage. He hasn't been featured quite as many times as his Therian forme, but they share candy, so powering up should still be relatively easy. Gust and Hurricane are the ideal moves for a Therian Tornadus in this fight.
Hisuian Braviary
While the original performs better, Hisuian Braviary is also a top counter for Buzzwole. This Psychic and Flying type resists Fighting type damage and has no weaknesses Buzzwole can exploit. Unfortunately, it's very new to Pokémon Go and could only be obtained during the Hisuian Discoveries event. If you're fortunate enough to have one Air Slash and Brave Bird are the moves you want.
Last but not least, Unfezant is a Unovan native and another excellent counter for Buzzwole. This Normal and Flying type resists Bug type damage and has no relevant weaknesses. Its first stage, Pidove is incredibly common, so evolving and powering it up should be easy. Air Slash and Sky Attack are Unfezant's best moves for this raid.
Back up counters
Although most players will be able to make a team of the best counters, if you're finding a gap in your team, there are plenty of back ups who work well in larger groups. Just make sure you're dodging and any of the following could be a decent back up:
- Zapdos with Charge Beam and Drill Peck
- Galarian Moltres with Wing Attack and Brave Bird
- Toucannon with Peck and Drill Peck
- Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Psystrike
- Togekiss with Air Slash and Aerial Ace
- Yanmega with Wing Attack and Aerial Ace
- Kartana with Air Slash and Aerial Ace
- Scyther with Air Slash and Aerial Ace
- Noivern with Air Slash and Hurricane
- Hoopa (Unbound) with Confusion and Psychic
- Blaziken with Fire Spin and Brave Bird
- Swellow with Wing Attack and Sky Attack
- Charizard with Air Slash and Blast Burn
- Chandelure with Fire Spin and Overheat
- Fearow with Peck and Sky Attack
- Reshiram with Fire Fang and Overheat
- Talonflame with Peck and Brave Bird
Shadow counters
The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events or with Elite TMs, it's possible to change their moves. If you happen to have any of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this Raid:
- Shadow Moltres with Wing Attack and Sky Attack
- Shadow Ho-Oh with Hidden Power (Flying) and Brave Bird
- Shadow Staraptor with Gust and Brave Bird
- Shadow Honchkrow with Peck and Sky Attack
- Shadow Zapdos with Thunder Shock and Drill Peck
- Shadow Lugia with Extrasensory and Aeroblast+
- Shadow Mewtwo with Confusion and Psystrike
- Shadow Scyther with Air Slash and Aerial Ace
- Shadow Charizard with Air Slash and Blast Burn
- Shadow Dragonite with Dragon Tail and Hurricane
- Shadow Crobat with Air Slash and Air Cutter
Note: This is an excellent raid for Shadow Pokémon. Shadow Moltres and Ho-Oh outperform every other Pokémon in the best counters list, including the Megas, while the more common Shadow Honchkrow and Shadow Staraptor outperform everything except Mega Pidgeot. Shadow Zapdos, Shadow Lugia, and Shadow Mewtwo also perform on par with the rest of the top counters.
More details
Although the Ultra Beasts are challenging Legendary raids, Buzzwole is not one of the more difficult to beat. With the best conditions, it might even be possible for top level trainers to duo this raid. However, if you lack the best counters or are a lower level, you may want to aim for a raid party of four or five.
Weather conditions that can impact this raid include:
- Cloudy/Overcast Weather will boost Buzzwole's Fighting and Poison type moves, as well as your Fairy type counters
- Rain will boost Buzzwole's Bug type moves
- Wind will boost your Flying and Psychic type counters
- Sunny/Clear Weather will boost your Fire type counters
Don't miss your chance to catch Buzzwole in Pokémon Go!
Buzzwole will only be available in raids for a limited time so you don't want to miss this chance to battle and catch one. Also, be sure to check out our other Pokémon Go Guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!
Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.