Pokémon Go: Mega Gyarados Mega Raid Guide
How to take on Mega Gyarados in Pokémon Go

Mega Evolution has finally arrived in Pokémon Go and with it, Mega Raids! A whole new class of Raids, Mega Raids let you and your friends challenge a Mega Evolved Pokémon. These are some of the most challenging raids yet, but we here at iMore got your back! Mega Gyarados is back and we have everything you need to know to take on its Mega Raid.
Who is Mega Gyarados in Pokémon Go?
Evolved from the tiny and useless Magikarp, Gyarados represents a lot of time and hard work on the part of a patient Trainer. Magikarp begins as a small, dead-eyed fish, with no real attacks, but for a Trainer willing to invest in it, it can evolve into the massive and powerful, Water and Flying type Gyarados. This serpentine Pokémon is incredibly aggressive and violent, with wild Gyarados being responsible for much destruction and catastrophe in the Pokémon world. Mega Gyarados trades out its Flying type for Dark and becomes even more aggressive.
In Pokémon Go, both Gyarados and Shadow Gyarados are among the top Water type attackers, so it's no surprise that Mega Gyarados is one of the top performers of both its types. So be sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories so you can be fully equipped for all the Mega Manectric raids.
Mega counters
There are a handful of options for Mega Evolution when countering Mega Gyarados, focusing on each of its weaknesses: Electric, Grass, Fighting, Bug, and Fairy.
Mega Manectric
If you're planning on countering Mega Gyarados with Electric types, Mega Manectric is your best option. As a pure Electric type, it brings no notable resistances to this fight, but it's not weak against any of Granados's moves either. The best moveset for Mega Manectric is Thunder Fang and Wild Charge.
Mega Alakazam
Although it cannot provide a useful same type Mega Boost, Mega Alakazam performs incredibly well against Mega Gyarados. As a pure Psychic type, it takes super effective damage from Dark type moves, so you'll want to be ready with lots of potions and revived. The key to Mega Alakazam's performance in this raid is its access to Fighting and Fairy type moves: Counter and Dazzling Gleam.
Mega Venusaur
Mega Venusaur is the best option for a Grass based offensive in this raid. As a Grass and Poison type, it takes reduced damage from Water type moves and has no weaknesses that Mega Gyarados can exploit. You'll want Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant for your Mega Venusaur's moveset.
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Mega Scizor
For a Bug type raid party, Mega Scizor is the best option. It's a Bug and Steel type, so it resists Dragon type damage and has no relevant weaknesses. If you're bringing Mega Scizor to this fight, it should know Fury Cutter and X-Scissor.
Honorable mentions
While they will not perform as well, the following Mega Evolved Pokémon can also work for this raid:
- Mega Lopunny with Double Kick and Focus Blast
- Mega Ampharos with Volt Switch and Zap Cannon
- Mega Beedrill with Bug Bite and X-Scissor
Top counters
Mega Gyarados is a Water and Dark type with access to Water, Dark, and Dragon type moves. Its weaknesses include Electric, Grass, Fighting, Bug, and Fairy types leaving room for many winning strategies.
One of the Legendary Ultra Beasts, Kartana is the top counter in this raid, beating out even Mega and Shadow Pokémon. It's a Grass and Steel type, giving it resistances to Dragon and Water type damage. Unfortunately, Kartana has only been available during limited Pokémon Go Fest 2022 events, so many players have never even encountered one. Still, if you have it Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade are the moves you want.
One of the Legendary Swords of Justice, Terrakion is the next top counter. It's a Rock and Fighting type, so Water type moves hit for super effective damage, while it resists Dark type damage. Terrakion has been available many times, so most active players have had the chance to add it to their roster. Double Kick and Sacred Sword are the moves your Terrakion should know.
Another of the Legendary Ultra Beasts, Xurkitree also performs well against Mega Gyarados. It's a pure Electric type, so brings no relevant weaknesses or resistances to the fight. It's also been limited to Pokémon Go Fest 2022 events, so you might not have one. Thunder Shock and Discharge are the moves Xurkitree should know when facing Mega Gyarados.
The Legendary mascot of Pokémon White, Zekrom performs great in this raid. As a Dragon and Electric type, it takes super effective damage from Dragon type moves, but is resists Water type damage. It's only had a couple runs in raids, so many players don't have the candy to power it up. Still, if you have Zekrom, you'll want it to know Charge Beam and Wild Charge for this fight.
The Gen VIII Mythical Pokémon, Zarude is a great choice for this raid. It's a Grass and Dark type, so it resists Dark and Water type moves. Unfortunately, Zarude is limited to one per account and only for players who completed a limited Special Research line. If you have one though, Vine Whip and Power Whip are its best moves here.
Originally encountered in the Sinnoh region of Gen IV, Lucario is another great counter. As a Fighting and Steel type, Lucario takes reduced damage from both Dragon and Dark type moves. Unfortunately, Lucario is relatively rare - you can only get it by evolving its baby stage, Riolu, which can only be hatched from eggs. Counter and Aura Sphere are the moves you'll want if you're bringing Lucario to this fight.
Gen V's Conkeldurr is a top performer in this raid. A pure Fighting type, Conkeldurr takes reduced damage from Dark type moves and has no weaknesses Mega Gyarados can exploit. Its first stage, Timburr has been featured in raids and eggs, as well as many events, so Conkeldurr is fairly accessible as well. If you are bringing Conkeldurr to this fight, you'll want it to know Counter and Dynamic Punch.
Shaymin (Sky)
Another Mythical Pokémon, Shaymin performs great in this raid, but specifically its Sky forme. It's a Grass and Flying type, meaning it resists Water type damage. Sadly, it's also limited to one per account and only for players who participated in a limited Pokémon Go Fest 2022 event. Still, if you have it, Hidden Power (Grass) and Grass Knot are the moves your Shaymin should know.
Thundurus (Therian)
One of the Forces of Nature, Thundurus is our next top counter, but specifically his Therian forme. As an Electric and Flying type, he brings no weaknesses or resistances of note to this fight. Thundurus has been in raids many times in both formes and they share candy, so he's easy to power up. Volt Switch and Thunderbolt are the moves your Thundurus should know for this raid.
Another great choice for this fight is Gen I's Machamp. Aside from being in the game since day one, Machamp and its first stage, Machop, have been featured in a number of events, including a Community Day, so most players have a few already powered up. It's a pure Fighting type, so will also take reduced damage from Dark type attacks. Karate Chop and Dynamic Punch are the preferred moves for this raid, but if you don't have the Legacy move Karate Chop or the Elite TM to spare, Counter is a very close second.
One of the Legendary Beasts of Johto, Raikou performs very well in this Mega Raid. As a pure Electric type, it has no relevant resistances or weaknesses, but it's one of the more common of the Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go. It's been in raids several times, a Research Breakthrough Reward encounter, and even as a Shadow Pokémon, so most players have a few already powered up. Thunder Shock and Wild Charge are the moves you'll want your Raikou to know for this fight.
Tapu Bulu
One of the Guardian Deities of Alola, Tapu Bulu performs great against Mega Gyarados. This Grass and Fairy type resists Dark, Water, and Dragon type damage, and though its only had two runs in raids, both were fairly recent so most active players have had the chance to catch one. If you're bringing Tapu Bulu to this fight, Bullet Seed and Grass Knot are the moves you want it to know.
Originally encountered in the Hoenn region of Gen III, Breloom is our final top counter. Although it is a Grass and Fighting type, its Fighting moves, Counter and Dynamic Punch, are better unless you're paired up with a Mega Venusaur. Either way, it takes reduced damage from Water and Dark type moves and has no weaknesses relevant to this raid.
Back ups
Although most players will be able to make a team of the best counters, if you're finding a gap in your team, there are plenty of back ups who work well in larger groups. Just make sure you're dodging and any of the following could be a decent back up:
- Magnezone with Spark and Wild Charge
- Electivire with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Sceptile with Fury Cutter and Frenzy Plant
- Buzzwole with Counter and Superpower
- Virizion with Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Tapu Koko with Volte Switch and Dazzling Gleam
- Cobalion with Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Roserade with Razor Leaf and Grass Knot
- Pheromosa with Bug Bite and Bug Buzz
- Zacian (Hero of Many Battles) with Quick Attack and Play Rough
- Zapdos with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt
- Galarian Zapdos with Counter and Close Combat
- Hariyama with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Gardevoir with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Luxray with Spark and Wild Charge
- Togekiss with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Tangrowth with Vine Whip and Power Whip
Shadow counters
The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events or with Elite TMs, it's possible to change their moves. If you happen to have any of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this raid:
- Shadow Raikou with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Shadow Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Shadow Magnezone with Spark and Wild Charge
- Shadow Zapdos with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt
- Shadow Hariyama with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Shadow Electivire with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Shadow Tangrowth with Vine Whip and Power Whip
- Shadow Torterra with Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant
- Shadow Venusaur with Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant
- Shadow Gardevoir with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Luxray with Spark and Wild Charge
- Shadow Shiftry with Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Shadow Victreebel with Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Shadow Exeggutor with Bullet Seed and Solar Beam
Note: While most of these Shadow Pokémon perform on par with top counters, because Mega Gyarados has five different weaknesses, it's especially important to coordinate with your raid party to make the most of same type Mega Boosts.
More details
Although it is technically possible for two top players under the best conditions to beat this raid, lower level players will definitely need more. The more players involved, however, the faster you will win and thus, the more Mega Energy you will earn, so it's better to bring along more players if possible.
Weather conditions that can impact this raid include:
- Rain will boost Mega Gyarados' Water type moves and your Electric and Bug type counters.
- Wind will boost its Dragon type moves.
- Fog will boost its Dark type moves.
- Cloudy Weather will boost your Fairy and Fighting type counters.
- Sunny/Clear Weather will boost your Grass type counters.
Don’t miss your chance to catch Mega Gyarados in Pokémon Go!
Mega Gyarados will only be available in raids for a limited time so you don't want to miss this chance to battle and catch one. Also, be sure to check out our other Pokémon Go Guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!
Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.