Pokémon Go: Mega Kangaskhan Mega Raid guide

Mega Evolution has finally arrived in Pokémon Go and with it, Mega Raids! A whole new class of Raids, Mega Raids let you and your friends challenge a Mega Evolved Pokémon. These are some of the most challenging Raids yet, but we here at iMore got your back. Here's everything you need to know about taking on Mega Pidgeot in Pokémon Go and be sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories so you can be fully equipped on your Pokémon Journey!
Who is Mega Kangaskhan in Pokémon Go?
The Mega Evolution of the regional exclusive Kangaskhan, Mega Kangaskhan retains its Normal typing. This in and of itself meant it likely wouldn't be stellar in Pokémon Go, but to make matters worse, Mega Kangaskhan owes its performace in the core games to its signature ability: Parental Bond. Parental Bond turns Kangaskhan's moves into double strike moves. Because Pokémon Go lacks abilities, Mega Kangaskhan is unlikely to matter much beyond filling the Pokédex. However, as a regional exclusive, Kangaskhan are normally only available in Australia and the surrounding areas, so its Mega Raids provide a chance for the rest of the world to catch it.
Mega Evolution strategies for Mega Kangaskhan in Pokémon Go?
There is currently only one really good option for Mega Evolution when countering Mega Kangaskhan, focusing on its only weakness: Fighting.
Mega Lopunny
As the only Fighting type Mega Evolved Pokémon currently in Pokémon Go, Mega Lopunny is the only option that will provide a same type Mega Boost in this raid. You won't need to coordinate with the rest of your raid party, as Fighting is Kangaskhan's only weakness; however, Lopunny is quite squishy, so be prepared with lots of Potions and Revives. As a Normal and Fighting type, it takes increased damage from Fighting type moves, while resisting Dark type damage. If you are bringing one along, you'll want it to know Low Kick and Focus Blast.
Honorable mentions
While they will not perform as well, the following Mega Evolved Pokémon can also work for this raid:
- Mega Charizard Y with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Ampharos with Volt Switch and Focus Blast
What are the best counters for Mega Kangaskhan in Pokémon Go?
A pure Normal type with access to Fighting, Ground, Dragon, and Dark type moves, Kangaskhan has only one weakness: Fighting type, leaving a clear strategy for winning.
Gen V's Conkeldurr is the best counter for Mega Kangaskhan, outside of Megas and Shadows. This pure Fighting type resists Dark type moves, and has no weaknesses to Kangaskhan's moves. Although it is normally expensive to fully evolve, Conkeldurr is one of a few Pokémon to benefit from Trade Evolution, meaning there will be lots of leftover Candy, and its first stage has been featured in eggs and events, so many player already have Conkeldurr in their roster. If you are bringing one to this fight, you'll want Counter and Dynamic Punch for its moveset.
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Next up is the Sinnoh region native, Lucario. This Steel and Fighting type resists Dragon and Dark type moves, but takes increased damage from Ground and Fighting type, so it won't survive quite as long as Conkeldurr. What's more, Lucario is a difficult Pokémon to get in Pokémon Go, as it can usually only be evolved and its first stage is a relatively rare egg-exclusive. Still, if you have Lucario, you'll want it to know Counter and Aura Sphere.
Next up is Gen I's Machamp. Another pure Fighting type, Machamp resists Dark type damage and has no weaknesses Mega Kangaskhan can exploit. It's incredibly common, having been in the game since day one on top of being featured in events, including its own Community Day. Counter and Dynamic Punch is the moveset you'll want your Machamp to know for this fight.
Originally encountered in the Hoenn region of Gen III, Breloom is another great counter for Kangaskhan. It's a Grass a Fighting type, so it resists Ground and Dark type damage, while having no relevant weaknesses. Breloom is also very obtainable, being common and only having one other stage. If you're bringing Breloom to this Mega Raid, its best moveset is Counter and Dynamic Punch.
Another pure Fighting type, Gen III's Hariyama performs well in this Mega Raid too. Like Breloom, Hariyama only has one other stage and both are common enough that most active players have already had plenty of chances to catch and evolve their own. The moveset you'll want your Hariyama to know for this fight is Counter and Dynamic Punch.
The first Legendary on the list, Terrakion is one of Unova's Swords of Justice. This Fighting and Rock type resists Dark type damage, but takes super effective damage from Ground and Fighting which make up the majority of Kangaskhan's moves. Still, its been featured in raids multiple times, as well as in the Pokémon Go Battle League, so most active players have already caught at least one. If you are bringing Terrakion to this fight, Zen Headbutt is the ideal fast move, but its signature move Sacred Sword is absolutely necessary. If you don't have this Legacy Move or a Charged TM to get it, leave it on the bench.
The Galarian regional variant of Gen I's Farfetch'd, Sirfetch'd is a great choice for this fight. It's another pure Fighting type so it will last a long time and unlike the Kantonian version, Galarian Farfetch'd has been available worldwide in eggs for a long time, so most players have plenty. Evolving Sirfetch'd is a little tricky, but once you do, you'll want it to know Counter and Close Combat.
Another regional exclusive, Gen II's Heracross performs well in this Mega Raid. As a Bug and Fighting type, Heracross resists Dark, Ground, and Fighting type damage. Unfortunately, it can normally only be caught in Central and South America, but many players around the world have been able to catch it during special events. If you're bringing Heracross to this fight, Counter and Close Combat are the moves you'll want it to know.
Relatively new to Pokémon Go, Bewear is a Pokémon originally from the Alola region. It's a Normal and Fighting type, so it will take increased damage from Fighting type moves, while resisting Dark type damage. Although Bewear was only introduced during the April 2022 Community Day, because of that event, virtually every active player had the chance to catch the many, many Stufful necessary to evolve Bewear. Bewear should know Low Kick for the fast move and Superpower for the charged move if they're coming to this raid.
Last but not least, Regigigas is a Legendary Pokémon originally found in the Sinnoh region of Gen IV. As a pure Normal type, it will take increased damage from Kangaskhan's Fighting type moves, while offering no useful resistances. Still, its bulk means it will last a long time in this fight. It has only been available a few time, but was featured in raids, so many players have Regigigas in their roster already. Hidden Power (Fighting) and Giga Impact are the ideal moves for Regigigas to have when going up against Mega Kangaskhan.
Back ups?
Although most players will be able to make a team of the best counters, if you're finding a gap in your team, there are plenty of back ups who work well in larger groups. Just make sure you're dodging and any of the following could be a decent back up:
- Landorus (Therian) with Mud Shot and Superpower
- Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Psystrike
- Toxicroak with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Blaziken with Counter and Focus Blast
- Virizion with Quick Attack and Sacred Sword
- Cobalion with Metal Claw and Sacred Sword
- Alakazam with Counter and Focus Blast
- Gallade with Low Kick and Close Combat
- Sawk with Low Kick and Focus Blast
- Haxorus with Counter and Return
- Hoopa (Unbound) with Confusion and Psychic
- Pangoro with Low Kick and Close Combat
- Yveltal with Snarl and Focus Blast
- Emboar with Low Kick and Focus Blast
- Thundurus (Therian) with Volt Switch and Focus Blast
- Darkrai with Snarl and Focus Blast
- Chesnaught with Low Kick and Superpower
- Mienshao with Low Kick and Brick Break
- Zamazenta (Hero of Many Battles) with Snarl and Close Combat
- Primeape with Counter and Close Combat
Shadow Pokémon?
The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events or with Elite TMs, it's possible to change their moves. If you happen to have any of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this Raid:
- Shadow Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Shadow Hariyama with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Shadow Mewtwo with Confusion and Psystrike
- Shadow Gallade with Low Kick and Close Combat
- Shadow Poliwrath with Rock Smash and Dynamic Punch
- Shadow Salamence with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
- Shadow Ho-Oh with Hidden Power (Fighting) and Brave Bird
- Shadow Pinsir with Rock Smash and Superpower
- Shadow Ursaring with Counter and Close Combat
- Shadow Hitmonlee with Low Kick and Close Combat
- Shadow Dragonite with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
- Shadow Hitmonchan with Counter and Close Combat
Note: Shadow Machamp and Shadow Hariyama outperform every other Pokémon in the best counters list, including the Megas.
How many players does it take to beat Mega Kangaskhan in Pokémon Go?
With the best counters, three top level players can handle Mega Kangaskhan, but as this is a Mega Raid, and a very limited one at that, getting together as many players as possible is ideal to get the most Mega Energy.
Weather conditions that can impact this Raid include:
- Cloudy/Overcast weather will boost Mega Kangaskhan's Fighting type moves, as well as your Fighting type counters
- Wind will boost its Dragon type move
- Fog will boost its Dark type move
- Sunny/Clear weather will boost its Ground type moves.
Questions about taking on Mega Kangaskhan in Pokémon Go?
Do you have any questions about taking on Mega Kangaskhan in Pokémon Go? Got any tips for your fellow Trainers? Drop them in the comments below, and be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex, so you can be the very best like no one ever was!
Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.