Pokémon Go Nests: When they migrate and how to find them!
How to use nests in Pokémon Go

If you want the strongest Pokémon in Pokémon Go for raids and the Pokémon Go Battle League, you'll need to catch many of the same species. Nests are specific places that make this much easier for certain species. We here at iMore know everything you need to know to use Pokémon Go nests, and make sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories so you're fully equipped on your Pokémon Journey!
Why should you care about Pokémon Go nests?
Nests are great for several reasons:
- If you need specific Pokémon or type of Pokémon to complete a Field Research task, like Ghost types for the Mew quest, or Grass or Psychic types for Celebi, it's much more efficient to find a nest than to rely on random chance.
- If you're trying to find the a specific Shiny, it's far easier to Shiny check at far higher volume at a nest than at random spawn points.
- If you need a specific Pokémon to add to your Pokédex or fight raids, going to a place that Pokémon nests vastly increases your odds of finding one (or more.)
- If you need candy from a specific Pokémon to evolve it or power it up, going to a nest gives you the chance to regularly catch them in greater quantities than random spawns would ever allow.
- If you're trying to catch enough of a specific type of Pokémon to get your medals, be it Hiker or Fairytale Girl, nests can help you get closer to your goal — and gold!
In other words, if you need Pokémon, finding a nest with the Pokémon you need is your best shot at getting them.
Which Pokémon currently show up in nests?
While the species of Pokémon that show up in nests change periodically, we try to keep on top of all the species currently available. As of August 2022, these are the current nesting Pokémon:
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Caterpie
- Pidgey
- Rattata
- Spearow
- Ekans
- Pikachu
- Nidoran♀
- Nidoran♂
- Clefairy
- Vulpix
- Jigglypuff
- Zubat
- Oddish
- Venonat
- Diglett
- Psyduck
- Mankey
- Growlithe
- Poliwag
- Abra
- Machop
- Bellsprout
- Tentacool
- Ponyta
- Slowpoke
- Magnemite
- Doduo
- Seel
- Grimer
- Shellder
- Gastly
- Onix
- Drowzee
- Krabby
- Voltorb
- Exeggcute
- Cubone
- Rhyhorn
- Tangela
- Horsea
- Scyther
- Jynx
- Electabuzz
- Magmar
- Pinsir
- Magikarp
- Eevee
- Omanyte
- Kabuto
- Chikorita
- Cyndaquil
- Totodile
- Sentret
- Ledyba
- Spinarak
- Chinchou
- Natu
- Mareep
- Sudowoodo
- Hoppip
- Aipom
- Sunkern
- Yanma
- Wooper
- Murkrow
- Misdreavus
- Wobbuffet
- Girafarig
- Dunsparce
- Snubbull
- Qwilfish
- Shuckle
- Sneasel
- Teddiursa
- Swinub
- Remoraid
- Mantine
- Skarmory
- Phanpy
- Stantler
- Miltank
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Poochyena
- Zigzagoon
- Wurmple
- Lotad
- Seedot
- Taillow
- Wingull
- Surskit
- Shroomish
- Slakoth
- Whismur
- Makuhita
- Nosepass
- Skitty
- Sableye
- Aron
- Meditite
- Electrike
- Plusle
- Minun
- Roselia
- Gulpin
- Carvanha
- Wailmer
- Numel
- Spoink
- Trapinch
- Swablu
- Barboach
- Corphish
- Baltoy
- Lileep
- Anorith
- Shuppet
- Duskull
- Spheal
- Luvdisc
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Starly
- Bidoof
- Kricketot
- Buizel
- Buneary
- Glameow
- Stunky
- Hippopotas
- Skorupi
- Croagunk
- Snover
- Snivy
- Tepig
- Oshawott
- Patrat
- Lillipup
- Purloin
- Pidove
- Blitzle
- Woobat
- Drilbur
- Tympole
- Venipede
- Petilil
- Dwebble
- Trubbish
- Minccino
- Gothita
- Solosis
- Ducklett
- Deerling
- Foongus
- Joltik
- Ferroseed
- Chespin
- Fennekin
- Froakie
- Bunnelby
- Fletchling
- Litleo
- Alolan Geodude
- Pikipek
How do I find Pokémon Go Nests?
While most big parks and nature reserves are Pokémon Go nests, you may want to find more nests or even the specific Pokémon at a nest before traveling there. The Sliph Road maintains the most popular crowd-sourced nest atlas on the web. It tracks all the nests, as well as the current Pokémon at the nest. It even has filters so you can narrow down your search.
Are the Pokémon at nests always the same?
They're the same for two weeks, then they change. Known as migrations, the changes occur on alternate Thursdays at noon UTC. So, over a few months, your Charmander nest might become Slowpoke, Charmander again, Diglett, then Growlithe, and so on.
Nest migrations are seemingly random, so if you get one you need, hit it as often as you can in those two weeks. Conversely, if a nearby nest is useless, just wait a couple of weeks, and it'll change.
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Can more than one type of Pokémon spawn from the same point?
While particular nests only spawn one Pokémon type, things that can normally spawn will also show up. So, you may stumble across a Pikachu nest, but still find Pidgey and Rattata there.
Pokémon Go Nests and Ditto?
Ditto can transform into other Pokémon. That means you can't see Ditto on Nearby or Sightings, and you won't know if he's spawned right next to you — you'll just see the Pokémon it's disguised as with no visual or audible clue that they're anything other than they seem... until you catch them. It's only then you'll be greeted with an "Oh?" instead of a "Gotcha!" and he'll be revealed as Ditto.
See how to find and catch Ditto in Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go Nests and Unown?
Unown is one of the rarest and hardest to find Pokémon in Pokémon Go Gen 2. Scratch that. Unown is one of TWENTY SIX of the rarest and hardest to find Pokémon in Pokémon Go — period. That's because it doesn't spawn very often in most areas, and when it does, it can manifest as any one of the 26 forms, stylized after the letters of the alphabet, from A to Z. So, how do you catch 'em all?
There's no good answer at the moment. They don't spawn in nests and, outside of special events, there is nothing consistent about their spawns, but we're collecting everything we can find right here:
How to catch Unown in Pokémon Go
Your Pokémon Go nest tips and questions?
Do you have any questions about Pokémon Go nests? Do you have any tips for your fellow trainers on finding and using nests? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check out the rest of our Pokémon Go guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!
Rene Ritchie is one of the most respected Apple analysts in the business, reaching a combined audience of over 40 million readers a month. His YouTube channel, Vector, has over 90 thousand subscribers and 14 million views and his podcasts, including Debug, have been downloaded over 20 million times. He also regularly co-hosts MacBreak Weekly for the TWiT network and co-hosted CES Live! and Talk Mobile. Based in Montreal, Rene is a former director of product marketing, web developer, and graphic designer. He's authored several books and appeared on numerous television and radio segments to discuss Apple and the technology industry. When not working, he likes to cook, grapple, and spend time with his friends and family.