Pokémon Go Tour: Johto guide

In 2021, the Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto gave players to the biggest challenge yet: collect all 151 Pokémon from the original Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. Now the Pokémon Go Tour is coming back and this time players will be able to catch, hatch, trade, raid, and evolve every Pokémon from the Johto region. We here at iMore have all the details you'll need to get the most out this event, and be sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories, so you can be fully equipped on your Pokémon Journey!
What is the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto?
A celebration of all things Johto, the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto is a one day event that will provide players with the opportunity to add every single Pokémon species from the Johto region to their collection. Every Gen II Pokémon will be available to catch, hatch, evolve, or trade, and for the first time in Pokémon Go, all their Shiny variants will also be available. This means several new Shiny variants, as well as the return of all the previously released Shinies, and another chance at the Mythical Pokémon, Celebi. Not only will all of Gen II's Pokémon be available, but players who collect them all will earn a brand new Masterwork Research line.
When is the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto?
The Pokémon Go Tour: Johto will be held on Saturday, February 26, 2022, from 9 AM to 9 PM local time. Players will have exactly 12 hours in which to catch, hatch, battle, trade, and evolve every single Pokémon species originally encountered in the Johto region of Gen II.
Rotating habitats
The rotating habitats will be returning for the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto. During the event, there will be five habitats based on locations in the Johto region featured for two hour-long blocks each:
New Bark Town
Beginning at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. the New Bark Town habitat will feature the following Pokémon:
- Poliwhirl*
- Eevee*
- Chikorita*
- Meganium
- Cyndaquil*
- Typhlosion
- Totodile*
- Feraligatr
- Sentret*
- Hoothoot*
- Hoppip*
- Espeon*
- Umbreon*
Violet City
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At 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. the Violet City habitat will feature the following Pokémon:
- Golbat*
- Slowpoke*
- Crobat
- Togetic
- Natu*
- Xatu
- Mareep*
- Ampharos
- Yanma*
- Wooper*
- Murkrow*
- Slowking
National Park
At 11 and 4 p.m. the National Park habitat will feature the following Pokémon:
- Gloom*
- Scyther*
- Chinchou*
- Bellossom
- Sudowoodo*
- Sunkern*
- Sunflora
- Girafarig*
- Pineco*
- Forretress
- Scizor
- Shuckle*
Goldenrod City
Then at 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. the Goldenrod City habitat will feature:
- Chansey*
- Porygon*
- Marill*
- Azumarill
- Aipom*
- Wobbuffet*
- Snubbull*
- Remoraid*
- Octillery
- Porygon2
- Miltank*
- Blissey
Mt. Silver
Then at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. the Mt. Silver habitat will see increased spawns of the following Pokémon:
- Onix*
- Seadra*
- Misdreavus*
- Sneasal*
- Slugma*
- Swinub*
- Piloswine
- Houndour*
- Larvitar*
- Tyranitar
Finally, for the last two hours of the event, all Pokémon featured in the rotating habitats will be available.
All new Shiny Pokémon
Source: Niantic
The following Pokémon will have their Shiny Variants available for the first time in Pokémon Go:
- Unown (J)
- Girafarig
- Corsola
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Mantine
- Phanpy
- Donphan
- Tyrogue
- Hitmontop
Event exclusive moves
Source: The Pokémon Company
The following Pokémon caught or evolved during the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto will learn event exclusive moves:
- Meganium: Frenzy Plant
- Typhlosion: Blast Burn
- Feraligatr: Hydro Cannon
- Espeon: Shadow Ball
- Umbreon: Psychic
- Mamoswine: Ancient Power
- Lugia: Aeroblast
- Ho-Oh: Sacred Fire
- Celebi: Magical Leaf
The following Pokémon will be appearing in eggs acquired during the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto event:
- Pichu (2KM)
- Cleffa (2KM)
- Igglybuff (2KM)
- Togepi (2KM)
- Tyrogue (2KM)
- Smoochum (2KM)
- Elekid (2KM)
- Magby (2KM)
- Chikorita (7KM)
- Cyndaquil (7KM)
- Totodile (7KM)
- Dunsparce (7KM)
- Qwilfish (7KM)
- Stantler (7KM)
- Miltank (7KM)
Visitors from Kanto
Source: The Pokémon Company
During the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto event, a few Pokémon from the Kanto region who have evolutions in the Johto region will also be appearing. The following Kanto Pokémon will be appearing in the wild all day:
- Poliwhirl
- Golbat
- Gloom
- Slowpoke*
- Onix*
- Chansey*
- Seadra
- Scyther*
- Porygon*
- Eevee*
Pokémon with the potential to be Shiny are indicated with an asterisk.
Multiple different versions
Just like the Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto, the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto will have two versions. Players can choose between Gold Version and Silver Version, based on Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver. Whichever version you pick will determine which Pokémon are more likely to be lured by Incense and which are going to have increased Shiny rates. You will also get Ho-Oh or Lugia themed avatar style items depending on which version you choose.
Source: The Pokémon Company
However, this year will also offer the choice of a starter Pokémon. Players will pick between Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Tototile. The starter you pick will be involved in Special Research, similar to the Cosplay Pikachu players chose for Pokémon Go Fest 2021.
Gold Version
If you select Gold Version, the following Pokémon will be lured by Incense:
- Spinarak
- Gligar
- Teddiursa
- Mantine
The following Pokémon will have increased Shiny rates for Gold Version players:
- Chikorita
- Cyndaquil
- Totodile
- Spinarak
- Igglybuff
- Natu
- Hoppip
- Sunkern
- Misdreavus
- Wobbuffet
- Gligar
- Shuckle
- Teddiursa
- Swinub
- Mantine
- Ho-Oh
Silver Version
If you select Silver Version, the following Pokémon will be lured by Incense:
- Ledyba
- Delibird
- Skarmory
- Phanpy
The following Pokémon will have increased Shiny rates for Silver Version players:
- Chikorita
- Cyndaquil
- Totodile
- Ledyba
- Cleffa
- Sudowoodo
- Hoppip
- Yanma
- Pineco
- Delibird
- Skarmory
- Houndour
- Phanpy
- Miltank
- Larvitar
- Lugia
Event raids
The Pokémon Go Tour: Johto will feature a line up of Gen II Pokémon in raids all day, including Legendaries and Regional Exclusive Pokémon. During the event, players will be ble to challenge the following Pokémon in raids:
- Unown* (one star)
- Heracross* (three star)
- Corsola* (three star)
- Raikou* (five star)
- Entei* (five star)
- Suicune* (five star)
- Lugia (five star)
- Ho-Oh (five star)
Photo Safari
During the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto, players may find the Legendary Beasts: Raikou, Entei, and Suicune in the wild. Although these Pokémon have a 99% chance of fleeing, players should take a snapshot of each for the Collection Challenge: Photo Safari.
Trainer Challenge Battles
During the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto, players can challenge NPC versions of eight trainers who won the Pokémon Go Tour Challenge contest.
- Absolfairy: Dewgong, Lapras, Sneasal
- Alehouou: Parasect, Scizor, Heracross
- Batharzpokemom: Forretress, Steelix, Skarmory
- Brissete: Gastly, Misdreavus, Gengar
- Leon9715: Rattata, Jigglypuff, Eevee
- MajinSage: Dragonair, Kingdra, Dragonite
- Robbenprinz: Hoppip, Gligar, Crobat
- Terureruru: Mankey, Machoke, Hitmontop
Team Leader Battles
During the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto, players can also challenge the Team Leaders to battles in order to complete Timed Research. Their line ups include the following:
- Spark: Elekid, Togekiss, Raikou
- Blanche: Lapras, Slowking, Suicune
- Candela: Rapidash, Typhlosion, Entei
Special Research
The Pokémon Go Tour: Johto will feature two new Special Research lines which will reward players with an encounter with the Mythical Pokémon, Celebi, as well as encounters with the Legendary Beasts: Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. This will mark the third Celebi players in Pokémon Go will be able to catch and it will know an event exclusive move.
Page one
- Send a gift to a friend for an Incense
- Use an Incense for 50 Poké Balls
- Catch 20 Pokémon for three Nanab Berries
Completion Rewards: Ho-Oh Wings, 50 Poké Balls, Lucky Egg
Page two
- Select your Starter Pokémon: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Tototdile
Page three
- Autocompleted for a Starter Pokémon encounter
- Catch 15 different species of Pokémon for 25 Starter Pokémon Candy
- Evolve your Starter Pokémon for a Poffin
Completion Rewards: Lugia glasses, Dunsparce encounter, 25 Ledyba Candy or 25 Spinarak Candy
Page four
- Defeat three Team GO Rocket members for five Revives
- Purify three Shadow Pokémon for 500 Stardust
- Earn 3,000 Stardust for a Super Potion
Completion Rewards: three Rocket Radar, Qwilfish encounter, 25 Mantine Candy or 25 Phanpy Candy
Page five
- Complete three Field Research tasks for 50 Poké Balls
- Make five Great Throws for two Metal Coats
- Catch 20 Pokémon for 50 Starter Pokémon Candy
Completion Rewards: three Rocket Radar, Shiny Gyarados encounter, 50 Starter Pokémon Candy
Page six
- Evolve the second stage of your Starter Pokémon for 50 Great Balls
- Power up Pokémon five times for 100 Stardust
- Earn a Candy walking with your Buddy Pokémon for two Sun Stones
Completion Rewards: Incubator, Stantler encounter, 25 Ledyba Candy or 25 Spinarak Candy
Page seven
- Send a gift with a sticker for 25 Ultra Balls
- Hatch two eggs for an Upgrade
- Complete five Field Research tasks for two Kings Rock
Completion Rewards: Lure Module, Hitmontop encounter, 25 Mantine Candy or 25 Phanpy Candy
Page eight
- Earn three hearts with your Buddy Pokémon for a Starpiece
- Make three Nice Throws in a row for 1,000 XP
- Transfer 20 Pokémon for three Rare Candy
Completion Rewards: Celebi encounter, 1,000 Stardust, Ho-Oh Shirt or Lugia Shirt
Page nine
- Autocompleted for 1,000 XP
- Autocompleted for 1,500 Stardust
- Autocompleted for 1,000 XP
Completion Rewards: Lure Module, 25 Celebi Candy, 4,500 Stardust
Timed Research
In addition to Special Research, there will be Timed Research available. The Timed Research line: Johto Battle League will be available for both ticketed players and those who have not purchased ticket, and will reward players with encounters with Raikou, Suicune, and Entei.
Page one
- Power up a Pokémon three times for a Fast TM
- Evolve three Pokémon for a Charged TM
- Use a Charged TM for three Max Revives
Completion Rewards: Lucky Egg, 500 Stardust, 500 XP
Page two
- Defeat the GO Gym Trainer: Flying for one Hyper Potion
Completion Rewards: Gligar encounter, Max Revive, 1,000 XP
Page three
- Defeat the GO Gym Trainer: Bug for one Hyper Potion
Completion Rewards: Heracross encounter, Max Revive, 1,000 XP
Page four
- Defeat the GO Gym Trainer: Normal for one Hyper Potion
Completion Rewards: Jigglypuff ncounter, Max Revive, 1,000 XP
Page five
- Defeat the GO Gym Trainer: Ghost for one Hyper Potion
Completion Rewards: Misdreavus encounter, Max Revive, 1,000 XP
Page six
- Defeat the GO Gym Trainer: Fighting for one Hyper Potion
Completion Rewards: Hitmontop encounter, Max Revive, 1,000 XP
Page seven
- Defeat the GO Gym Trainer: Steel for one Hyper Potion
Completion Rewards: Steelix encounter, Max Revive, 1,000 XP
Page eight
- Defeat the GO Gym Trainer: Ice for one Hyper Potion
Completion Rewards: Lapras encounter, Max Revive, 1,000 XP
Page nine
- Defeat the GO Gym Trainer: Dragon for one Hyper Potion
Completion Rewards: Dragonair encounter, Max Revive, 1,000 XP
Page ten
- Earn 2,000 Stardust for a battle
- Defeat the Johto Challenge Battle Leader for a Legendary Beast encounter
Completion Rewards: three Golden Razz Berries, 3,000 Stardust, 3,000 XP
Page eleven
- Autocompleted for 2,000 XP
- Autocompleted for 2,000 XP
- Autocompleted for 2,000 XP
Completion Rewards: three Max Revives, 3,000 Stardust, 3,000 XP
The second Special Research line is considerably shorter with only a single page:
Page one
- Take a snapshot of Raikou in the wild for a Raikou encounter
- Take a snapshot of Entei in the wild for an Entei encounter
- Take a snapshot of Suicune in the wild for a Suicune encounter
Completion Rewards: 50 Raikou Candy, 50 Entei Candy, 50 Suicune Candy
Collection Challenges
The Pokémon Go Tour: Johto will feature several Collection Challenges. There will be Challenges for each of the hourly rotating habitats, as well as five additional Challenges. These Collection Challenges will only be available to ticketed players:
Gold Incense
- Catch a Spinarak
- Catch a Gligar
- Catch a Teddiursa
- Catch a Mantine
Completion Rewards: Incense, 15 Ultra Balls, 2,022 Stardust
Gold Trade
- Trade for a Ledyba
- Trade for a Delibird
- Trade for a Skarmory
- Trade for a Phanpy
Completion Rewards: Lucky Egg, 15 Golden Razz Berries, 2,022 Stardust
Silver Incense
- Catch a Ledyba
- Catch a Delibird
- Catch a Skarmory
- Catch a Phanpy
Completion Rewards: Incense, 15 Ultra Balls, 2,022 Stardust
Silver Trade
- Trade for a Spinarak
- Trade for a Gligar
- Trade for a Teddiursa
- Trade for a Mantine
Completion Rewards: Lucky Egg, 15 Golden Razz Berries, 2,022 Stardust
- Evolve all Johto Pokémon
Completion Rewards: Starpiece, three Rare Candy, 25,100 XP
- Catch a Dunsparce
- Catch a Qwilfish
- Catch a Stantler
- Catch a Smeargle
- Catch a Hitmontop
- Catch a Celebi
- Catch a Gyarados
Completion Rewards: Incense, 2,510 Stardust, 2,510 XP
- Catch an Unown
- Catch a Heracross
- Catch a Corsola
- Catch a Raikou
- Catch an Entei
- Catch a Suicune
- Catch a Lugia
- Catch a Ho-Oh
Completion Rewards: Unown encounter, Fast TM, Charged TM
New Bark Town
- Catch a Chikorita
- Catch a Cyndaquil
- Catch a Totodile
- Catch a Sentret
- Catch a Hoothoot
- Catch a Hoppip
- Catch an Eevee
- Catch a Poliwhirl
Completion Rewards: Politoad encounter, Incense, 15 Great Balls
Violet City
- Catch a Togetic
- Catch a Natu
- Catch a Mareep
- Catch a Yanma
- Catch a Wooper
- Catch a Murkrow
- Catch a Golbat
- Catch a Slowpoke
Completion Rewards: Togetic encounter, Incense, 15 Great Balls
Goldenrod City
- Catch a Marill
- Catch a Wooper
- Catch a Wobbuffet
- Catch a Snubbull
- Catch a Remoraid
- Catch a Miltank
- Catch a Porygon
- Catch a Chansey
Completion Rewards: Miltank encounter, Incense, 15 Great Balls
National Park
- Catch a Chinchou
- Catch a Sudowoodo
- Catch a Sunkern
- Catch a Girafarig
- Catch a Pineco
- Catch a Shuckle
- Catch a Scyther
- Catch a Gloom
Completion Rewards: Scizor encounter, Incense, 15 Great Balls
Mt. Silver
- Catch a Misdreavus
- Catch a Sneasal
- Catch a Slugma
- Catch a Swinub
- Catch a Houndour
- Catch a Larvitar
- Catch a Onix
- Catch a Seadra
Completion Rewards: Steelix encounter, Incense, 15 Great Balls
Event exclusive Field Research
During the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto, players will be able to spin PokéStops and Gyms to earn the following event exclusive Field Research tasks:
- Battle in a raid for three Max Revives
- Catch five Pokémon for 500 XP
- Catch ten Pokémon for 500 Stardust
- Hatch an egg for a Lugia Candy
- Hatch an egg for a Ho-Oh Candy
- Hatch two eggs for a Rare Candy
- Spin five PokéStops or Gyms for 100 Stardust
- Spin 15 PokéStops or Gyms for 500 Stardust
- Walk 1KM for a Rare Candy
Masterwork Research
Players who complete the Special Research during the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto will unlock the second Masterwork Research line. Like last year's Masterwork Research line: All-in-One #151, this research is designed to be completed over a long period of time. This Masterwork Research will reward players with encounters with Apex Shadow Ho-Oh and Apex Shadow Lugia. These new, boosted versions of the Johto Legendaries will know boosted versions of their signature moves: Sacred Fire+ and Aeroblast+. When purified, these moves will change to Sacred Fire++ and Aeroblast++
Page one
- Earn 100,000 XP for ten Hyper Potions
- Complete 100 Field Research tasks for 1,000 XP
- Catch 100 different species of Pokémon for an Apex Shadow Ho-Oh encounter
Completion Rewards: 20 Ho-Oh Candy, 1,000 Stardust, 1,000 XP
Page two
- Earn a heart with your Buddy Pokémon 30 days in a row for a Poffin
- Send 50 gifts to friends for a Lure Module
- Open ten gifts for a Lucky Egg
Completion Rewards: three Rare Candy, 2,000 Stardust, 2,000 XP
Additional bonuses
As if all of that wasn't enough, there will be plenty of bonuses during the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto for both ticketed players and those who do not buy tickets.
Players who purchase a ticket will be able to enjoy the following bonuses:
- A bundle containing three Remote Raid Passes will be available for free in the PokéShop
- Quarter Hatch Distance on eggs
- Double Hatch Candy on eggs
- Bonus Catch Candy on select Johto Pokémon
- Nine free Raid Passes from spinning gyms
- Event medal
- Snapshot Surprises
- Event exclusive stickers from spinning PokéStops and Gifts
- Event exclusive stickers in the PokéShop
All players will also be able to enjoy the following bonuses:
- Some Pokémon originally discovered in Johto in the wild, in raids, and hatching from 7 km Eggs
- Some Pokémon originally discovered in Johto that are usually exclusive to certain regions in the world in raids
- Gen II Baby Pokémon hatching from 2KM Eggs
- Timed Research related to Trainer Battles
- Eevee walking requirements suspended for Espeon and Umbreon
- Shiny Smeargle
- Six Special Trades
- Confetti on the map during the event
Live events for the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto?
The Pokémon Go Tour: Johto will feature two types of live events. There will be free events in select cities across Europe on the day of the event, during which players will have plenty of photo opportunities and the chance to trade with lots of other players.
The following European cities will feature in-person celebrations.
- Linz, AT: City-Park
- Berlin, DE: Britzer Garten*
- Bremen, DE: Oberer Domshof
- Essen, DE: Burgplatz
- Hamburg, DE: Überseeboulevard
- Hannover, DE: Steintorplatz
- Warsaw, PL: Electrownia Powisle Shopping Mall
- Cardiff, UK: Churchill Way
- Edinburgh, UK: Castle Street
- Liverpool, UK: Liverpool One
- London, UK: St. Alfege Park
- London, UK: Whitfield Gardens
- Manchester, UK: Piccadilly Gardens
There is an entrance fee for Britzer Garten.
Players in select cities will also be able to purchase tickets for an additional live event: Step back into Kanto. Tickets are available for $25USD or local equivalent. This event will run on Sunday, February 27, 2022, from 10AM to 6PM local time in the following cities:
- Monterrey, Mexico at Parque Fundidora
- Kaohsiung, Taiwan at the Taiwan Lantern Festival
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates at Yas Bay canceled
Players who participate in this bonus event will be able to challenge the following Pokémon in raids:
Players who participate in this bonus event will enjoy the following bonuses:
- Real world themed habitats, each featuring its own Collection Challenge
- Six Special Trades
- Event exclusive Special Research
- Snapshot Surprises
- Quarter hatch distance
- Double Catch Candy
- Extra Catch Candy on select Pokémon originally discovered in Kanto
- Nine free Raid Passes from spinning Gyms
- Event medal
- Event exclusive stickers from PokéStops and Gifts
- Confetti on the map during the event
- Real world photo-ops and lounge areas in the park
- Exclusive merchandise at select locations
Questions about the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto?
Do you have questions about the Pokémon Go Tour: Johto event? Which Gen II Pokémon are you most excited to add to your collection? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to check out the rest of our Pokémon Go guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!
Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.