Pokémon Sword and Shield: All Abilities and Hidden Abilities

There are hundreds of Abilities and Hidden Abilities within the Pokémon RPGs. However, only some of them appear in Sword and Shield. Here's a list of every Ability and Hidden Ability in Gen 8, a description of what it does, what overworld effects it has, and a list of which Pokémon from Sword and Shield have the chance of learning it. Note that Hidden Abilities are rare, you'll only find Pokémon with a Hidden Ability via Gigantamax Raids, or if you get lucky enough to have someone trade one to you. Additionally, it should be noted that while most Abilities are helpful, some Abilities cause problems for the user. Here's a complete list of all Abilities and Hidden Abilities found in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
- Adaptability
- Aftermath
- Analytic
- Anger Point
- Anticipation
- Arena Trap
- Aroma Veil
- Ball Fetch
- Battery
- Battle Armor
- Berserk
- Big Pecks
- Blaze
- Bulletproof
- Chlorophyll
- Clear Body
- Cloud Nine
- Competitive
- Compound Eyes
- Contrary
- Cotton Down
- Cursed Body
- Cute Charm
- Damp
- Dauntless Shield
- Defiant
- Disguise
- Drizzle
- Drought
- Dry Skin
In general, Abilities and Hidden Abilities are helpful effects that automatically happen in battle and sometimes in the overworld. However, some Abilities and Hidden Abilities are not useful. Here are all of the Abilities and Hidden Abilities from A through D.
Powers up moves of the same type as the Pokémon from 1.5 to 2.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this as an Ability:
- Eevee
- Basculin
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Corphish
- Crawdaunt
- Feebas
Damages the attacker by 1/4 of its total HP if it contacts the Pokémon with a finishing hit.
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Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this as an Ability:
- Drifloon
- Drifblim
- Stunky
- Skuntank
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Trubbish
- Garbodor
- Gigantamax Garbodor
Boosts a moves attack power by 30% when the Pokémon is the last one to attack during a turn.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this as an Ability:
- Elgyem
- Beheeyem
Anger Point
When a critical hit damages a Pokémon with Anger Point, its Attack stat is maxed.
Overworld effect: None
The Pokémon can sense an opposing Pokémon's dangerous moves like 1-hit KOs or super-effective attacks.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this ability:
- Barboach
- Whiscash
- Croagunk
- Toxicroak
- Hatenna
- Hattrem
- Hatterene
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Rapidash
- Eevee
- Gigantamax Eevee
- Ferrothorn
Arena Trap
Prevents opposing Pokémon from fleeing or switching out. However, a Pokemon with the Levitate Ability aren't affected. Additionally, a Pokémon that knows Baton Pass can swap out, but the Pokémon it switches with will be stuck.
Overworld effect: If the Pokémon is in the lead spot, the chances of encountering a wild Pokémon increase to 200%.
Pokémon that can have this ability:
- Diglett
- Dugtrio
- Trapinch
Aroma Veil
Protects itself and its allies from attacks that limit their move choices.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Spritzee
- Aromatisse
- Milcery
- Alcremie
- Gigantamax Alecremie
Ball Fetch
A Pokémon with Ball Fetch will fetch the first failed Poké Ball thrown at a wild Pokémon if it isn't already holding an item.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Yamper
When a Pokémon with Battery is in battle, the power of its allies' special moves increases by 30%.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Charjabug
Battle Armor
Battle Armor provides a Pokémon with hard armor that protects it from critical hits.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Perrserker
- Falinks
- Type: Null
- Skorupi
- Drapion
When a Pokémon knows Berserk, their Special Attack raises by one stage whenever their HP drops below half.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Drampa
Big Pecks
This ability prevents other Pokémon from lowering the Defense of the Pokémon that has this Ability. However, it doesn't prevent the Pokemon from lowering its own Defense. This ability doesn't affect Pokémon with the Ability, Mold Breaker.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Pidove
- Tranquill
- Unfezant
- Vullaby
- Mandibuzz
- Rookidee
- Corvisquire
When a Pokémon with the Blaze Ability uses a Fire-type move, that move's power is increased by 50% if the user has less than or equal to half of its maximum HP remaining.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charizard
- Scorbunny
- Raboot
- Cinderace
This Ability protects the Pokémon from ball and bomb moves.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Jangmo-o
- Hakamo-o
- Kommo-o
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Wooloo
- Dubwool
- Applin
Cheek Pouch
A Pokémon with Cheek Pouch will regain 33% of their maximum HP after consuming a Berry.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Bunnelby
- Diggersby
- Skwovet
- Greedent
When the weather is harsh sunlight, the Speed stat of Pokémon with this Ability is doubled.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Oddish
- Gloom
- Vileplume
- Bellossom
- Seedot
- Nuzleaf
- Shiftry
- Maractus
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Leafeon
- Cottonee
- Whimsicott
Clear Body
This Ability prevents stat reduction caused by other Pokémon's moves and Abilities. However, it doesn't prevent the Pokémon with the Ability from lowering its own stats.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Dreepy
- Drakloak
- Dragapult
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Klink
- Klang
- Klinklang
Cloud Nine
When a Pokémon with Cloud Nine is in battle, all effects of weather are negated; however, the weather itself does not disappear.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Drampa
When the stat of a Pokémon that has this Ability is lowered by an opponent, its Special Attack increases by two. However, this Ability doesn't take effect if a Pokémon lowers its own stats.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Milotic
- Gothita
- Gothorita
- Gothitelle
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Boltund
- Meowstic
Compound Eyes
The moves of a Pokémon with this Ability have increased accuracy by a factor of 1.3.
Overworld effect: If a Pokémon with this Ability is the first in your party, it increases the likelihood of finding a wild Pokémon holding an item.
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Butterfree
- Venonat
- Nincada
- Joltik
- Blipbug
- Dottler
A Pokémon with this Ability is affected inversely when it comes to stat changes. For example, an opponent's move that would decrease stats of the Pokémon with the Ability would increase them instead, and a move that would increase stats would decrease them. However, if an attacking Pokémon knows the Ability, Mold Breaker, then Contrary won't take effect.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Inkay
- Malamar
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Shuckle
Cotton Down
If a Pokémon with Cotton Down is hit by a damaging move, the other Pokémon in battle decrease in Speed by one stage.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Gossifleur
- Eldegoss
Cursed Body
When an opposing Pokémon's move damages a Pokémon with this Ability, there's a 30% chance that that move will be disabled for four turns.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Corsola
- Frillish
- Jellicent
- Froslass
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Sinistea
- Polteageist
- Dreepy
- Drakloak
- Dragapult
Cute Charm
When a Pokémon comes in contact with a Pokémon that has Cute Charm, there's a 30% chance the attacking Pokémon will become infatuated if it's the opposite gender of the Pokémon with the Ability.
Overworld effect: If a Pokémon with this Ability is the first in your party, there's a 66.7% chance that you'll encounter a wild Pokémon of the opposite gender.
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Cleffa
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Minccino
- Cinccino
- Sylveon
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Milotic
- Stufful
This Ability prevents Pokémon from using Self-Destruct, Explosion, and Mind Blown in battle. If a Pokémon with the Ability Aftermath faints, it prevents the opposing Pokémon from fainting.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Wooper
- Quagsire
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Frillish
- Jellicent
Dauntless Shield
When a Pokémon with Dauntless Shield enters a battle, its Defense stat increases by one stage.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Zamazenta
When a Pokémon with this Ability gets its stats lowered by an opposing Pokémon, the Pokémon with the Ability has its Attack increased by two stages. Defiant won't come into effect if a Pokémon lowers its own stats.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Pawniard
- Bisharp
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Farfetch'd
- Braviary
- Passimian
- Obstagoon
- Falinks
When the Pokémon is in Disguise Form, Disguise prevents the Pokémon from taking damage by another Pokémon's attack or when the Pokémon hits itself in confusion. However, it then turns into its Busted Form and loses 1/8 of its total HP.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Mimikyu
A Pokémon with this Ability summons rain in battle for five turns. This boosts the effects of Water-type moves by 50% and decreases the effects of Solar Beam and Fire-type moves by 50%. However, if heavy rain, extremely harsh sunlight, or strong winds are the current weather, then this Ability will not activate.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Pelipper
When a Pokémon that knows Drought enters a battle, it summons harsh sunlight.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Torkoal
Pokémon that can have this as a Hidden Ability:
- Vulpix
- Ninetales
Dry Skin
When weather conditions are at harsh sunlight, a Pokémon with this Ability loses 1/8 of its maximum HP at the end of each turn. When weather conditions are rain, a Pokémon with this Ability regains 1/8 of its maximum HP at the end of each turn. Additionally, Fire-type moves do 25% more damage to a Pokémon with Dry Skin. Inversely, Water-type moves restore HP.
Overworld effect: None
Pokémon that can have this Ability:
- Croagunk
- Toxicroak
- Heloptile
- Heliolisk
Gaming aficionado Rebecca Spear is iMore's dedicated gaming editor with a focus on Nintendo Switch and iOS gaming. You’ll never catch her without her Switch or her iPad Air handy. If you’ve got a question about Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, or just about any other Nintendo series check out her guides to help you out. Rebecca has written thousands of articles in the last six years including hundreds of extensive gaming guides, previews, and reviews for both Switch and Apple Arcade. She also loves checking out new gaming accessories like iPhone controllers and has her ear to the ground when it comes to covering the next big trend.