Troubleshooting Tips
Latest about Troubleshooting Tips
How to set up your Ecobee3 thermostat with HomeKit
By Serenity Caldwell last updated
Here's how to connect a newly-purchased (or gifted) Ecobee3 to your HomeKit network.
Did your HomeKit home disappear? Here's how to reset HomeKit sync
By Serenity Caldwell last updated
If your HomeKit house disappears or is having trouble syncing, here's what you can do to fix it.
Why Apple Watch Series 3 won't work with macOS Sierra — yet
By Serenity Caldwell, Lory Gil last updated
If you've just upgraded to an Apple Watch Series 3, and it suddenly won't unlock your Mac, don't panic.
Can't make your Apple Watch work on an airplane? Here's the fix!
By Serenity Caldwell last updated
When you turn your iPhone into Airplane mode, it disconnects from your Watch. Here's how to fix it.
Apple Watch, heart rate sensors, and wrist tattoos: What you need to know!
By Serenity Caldwell last updated
Will an arm sleeve tattoo prevent you from wearing the Apple Watch? If it's a solid color, perhaps.
Ringtones and text tones gone after updating to iOS 8.1.1? Here's the fix!
By Allyson Kazmucha last updated
Safari for iPhone and iPad running slow? Here's how to speed it up!
By Allyson Kazmucha last updated
How to troubleshoot Hey Siri triggering HomePod instead of Apple Watch
By Joseph Keller last updated
Is your HomePod hijacking the requests you make to Siri on your Apple Watch? Here’s what you can do about it.
How to clean up your News Feed with Facebook for iPhone and iPad
By Allyson Kazmucha last updated
To force quit or not to force quit apps? That is the question...
By Rene Ritchie last updated
Is it nobler in the spirit to suffer the battery drain and lag of outrageous backgrounding or, by flicking them away, end them?
How HomePod works with Apple Music, iTunes Match, iCloud Music Library, AirPlay, and FLAC files
By Serenity Caldwell last updated
Confused about what HomePod can and can’t play? Here’s the breakdown.
Having issues skipping, stopping, and playing music tracks in your car over Bluetooth? Here's the fix!
By Allyson Kazmucha last updated
Can't get Continuity calling or Handoff working in iOS 8? Here's the fix!
By Allyson Kazmucha last updated
How to restart your Mac
By Stephen Hackett, Cella Lao Rousseau last updated
While Mac OS X is designed to run for long stretches of time, from time to time, restarting — or rebooting — your Mac can do it plenty of good.
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