Apple Vision Pro just launched in four new countries — packed Apple stores reveal the hype might not be over just yet

Apple Vision Pro Asia
(Image credit: Asia)

Since launching earlier this year, Apple’s visionary new headset, Apple Vision Pro, has only been available for purchase in the U.S. During WWDC 2024, however, we were finally given dates for when we can expect the mixed reality headset in other parts of the world — and today, it just launched in four new countries.

Exclusively Asian countries: Buyers in the China mainland, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore are now able to get their mitts on a Vision Pro headset without having to worry about lengthy import and export fees and paperwork, and potential incompatibilities. 

Potential customers can now head over to the Apple Store online to book a demo at their local brick-and-mortar (or glass and metal as they tend to be now) store so that they can get a better picture of how the headset works.

The event was so important to Apple that it sent retail chief Deidre O'Brien along to engage with buyers during the incredibly busy launch. Images from Apple show bustling stores as buyers tried on headsets and bought them — while it’s still early days, it seems users are looking forward to trying out the device. 

Apple Vision Pro Launch in Beijing

(Image credit: Apple)

An attempt to drum up support

While it doesn’t seem to have been unsuccessful, Vision Pro doesn’t seem to have made the impact that Apple had hoped. For a brief, glorious window of time, it was everywhere, of course, covering For You pages on almost every single social media platform whether you wanted to see it or not.

Since then, however, it seems that interest in the headset has petered out — and part of that could be that not only is it prohibitively expensive, but it’s only available in one (admittedly very large) locale. Apple looks to change the last point now, with the headset coming to the aforementioned four countries.

With more people able to purchase one, it could be that Vision Pro finally sees the market that Apple wanted for it. The headset will also be coming to the European market in just a few weeks, as Apple has set a July 12 release date in the calendar for French, German, and UK buyers.

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Tammy Rogers
Senior Staff Writer

As iMore's Senior Staff writer, Tammy uses her background in audio and Masters in screenwriting to pen engaging product reviews and informative buying guides. The resident audiophile (or audio weirdo), she's got an eye for detail and a love of top-quality sound. Apple is her bread and butter, with attention on HomeKit and Apple iPhone and Mac hardware. You won't find her far away from a keyboard even outside of working at iMore – in her spare time, she spends her free time writing feature-length and TV screenplays. Also known to enjoy driving digital cars around virtual circuits, to varying degrees of success. Just don't ask her about AirPods Max - you probably won't like her answer.

  • FFR
    I guess the Apple Vision Pro isn’t dead like some were claiming.
    Apple Uk store is being updated.

  • Anilu7
    It’s up for pre-order in Canada and you can book a live demo now. Good to see.
  • Xijah
    FFR said:
    I guess the Apple Vision Pro isn’t dead like some were claiming.
    Apple Uk store is being updated.

    Just ordered mine here in the UK 🇬🇧
  • FFR
    Consumers seem to be going crazy for the Vision Pro in Japan and China. Haven’t read anything about Hong Kong or Singapore yet.

  • FFR
    Xijah said:
    Just ordered mine here in the UK

    What capacity did you go for
  • EdwinG
    As I previously posted, I’m not going to even consider it.

    There is no way I can justify $5773 on an Apple Vision Pro, even if I twist in any way possible.

    If it was $1000 (taxes included), I would have maybe considered it, but not 5.7 times that.

    I’m sure there are a couple of people that will purchase it. But it’s for those that have that amount of disposable income, not for most consumers.
  • Just_Me_D
    EdwinG said:
    As I previously posted, I’m not going to even consider it.

    There is no way I can justify $5773 on an Apple Vision Pro, even if I twist in any way possible.

    If it was $1000 (taxes included), I would have maybe considered it, but not 5.7 times that.

    I’m sure there are a couple of people that will purchase it. But it’s for those that have that amount of disposable income, not for most consumers.
    Agreed. Besides, my interest in the Apple Vision Pro is almost nonexistent.
  • Xijah
    FFR said:
    What capacity did you go for
    256gb 😀
  • FFR
    Xijah said:

    Nice, I picked up a 1 tb